I see mention of Beta and Delta for the 2nd Gen Sinopharm vaccines
It is not surprising that Beta and Delta were mentioned because they are the only available variants that any new vaccine can be tested against. It doesn't mean the vaccine is specifically designed against them.
Here is the Chinese source from Sinopharm's head of research institute Li Qiming:
Basically, he says that between 1st gen and 2nd gen:
- The design of antigen is different.
- The 2nd gen covers all (many more) possible mutation points.
- Simply put, 1st gen is like copy/pate trying to emulate the virus specific variant as much as possible. The 2nd gen is to model the essence by removing the superficial, more intelligent.
Another Sinopharm source
Here it says that the 2nd gen vaccine is
equally effective in generating antibody against the
original and other major variants. This means that they tested on all well known variants and all works the same proving the "broad spectrum"/non variant speciality.
I would make a very rough analog. The 1st gen is like "The animal has black hair, no tail, moving on four legs, it is an ape. But an orangutan is not an ape because the hair is orange." The 2nd gen is like "All animals having no tail and walking on four are apes." I know there are other tailless land animals other than apes, but hope you get the idea.