Good video from Dr. Been. Explains the findings of HKU. Video dated December 16.
You probably need mRNA vaccines which can be modified more quickly for each variant.
That is what you want prepare a nation by vaccines so people only get a really bad cold or a light fever and don't need to go to a hospital. That was the whole issue at the start of this all hospitals IC capacity getting overburdened.Herd immunity works against severe disease but not mild infections. Every human gets common cold every year but because of strong cellular immunity they don't require hospitalization. Typically when children get coronavirus early in childhood they develop life long immunity without getting seriously sick.
That is what you want prepare a nation by vaccines so people only get a really bad cold or a light fever and don't need to go to a hospital. That was the whole issue at the start of this all hospitals IC capacity getting overburdened.
The paper you cited has this as the footer.It's common knowledge viral vector induces strong cellular immunity because they use real virus rather than nanolipids. Lipids don't induce strong cellular immunity. There was a paper I read a few months back that says J&J makes 10 times as much cellular immunity as mRNA. Can't seem to find it. Anyway this is a similar a paper.
@Tyler is correct, the turnaround time to modify an mRNA for a new variant is quicker than inactivated vaccines, especially at large-scale manufacturing. That is why China is pouring billions into mRNA local tech, partially because it has quick turnaround time to modify against new variants and quicker large-scale production.mRNA or not makes no difference. Sinovac and Sputnik were ready sooner than mRNA were. You only need the protein. There is nothing inherent about mRNA that can possibly make mRNA easier or faster than inactivated and viral vector.
By whom? To make such claim you must provide a report that quotes a research paper that has been peer reviewed or undergoing such review. This thread is not rumor mill or misinformation factory.Pure corruption. It is widely known viral vector vax makes much better cellular immunity compared to mRNA vax. Cellular immunity is what saves your life.