Concerned over restrictions not vaccinations. Opening those factories are more important.
the lives of so called '3rd world peasants' does not matter for them... this isn't really news. they are mostly concerned with their stock prices.
Concerned over restrictions not vaccinations. Opening those factories are more important.
That's a terrible strategy. Everyone gets seasonal boosters -- and then a deadly variant arises that kills tens of millions.
Should the people advocating for permanent lockdowns for next 10,000 years despite booster technology significantly reducing hospitalization and death, be tried for aiding the economic containment of China and treason against Chinese nation?Should the people advocating the booster-and-opening-up strategy, such as yourself, be arrested for the mass murder?
Remember, you are advocating for permanent lockdowns for the next 10,000 years to eradicate a disease that is known to most scientists as endemic and impossible to eradicate. You should be personally responsible for keeping China back economically for the next 10,000 years when booster technology has a real change of significantly reducing hospitalization and death.Remember, you want China to abandon a program that is known to WORK. Should we hold you personally responsible if your alternative kills millions?
It's easy to fearmonger about variants when you selectively cherry pick your responses and argue against a strawman by misrepresenting others positions.I am ignoring the rest of your comment; I want to keep this reply short.
Vietnam is an embarrassment. Boggles my mind that it is so stingy with its money that it mostly asks about donations.Wang announced an additional 3 million Chinese vaccine doses for Vietnam by the end of the year, bringing the total doses promised to 5.7 million.
How ironic that the west hoped that COVID would force factories out of China and now it most likely will end up with restoring factories back into China, since i can't see any other alternatives.
Concerned over restrictions not vaccinations. Opening those factories are more important.
Some people said Vietnam and Taiwan did well because they distrust and hate China. Never mind the fact that by their logic a certain country far away should've been #1, since they're also #1 in xenophobia and racism. But if its true that racism against Chinese gives you immunity to COVID how come Vietnam and Taiwan are where they are now?Vietnam is an embarrassment. Boggles my mind that it is so stingy with its money that it mostly asks about donations.
Good luck, and it should had less racism towards Chinese vaccines. Now it suffers the consequences
Some people said Vietnam and Taiwan did well because they distrust and hate China. Never mind the fact that by their logic a certain country far away should've been #1, since they're also #1 in xenophobia and racism. But if its true that racism against Chinese gives you immunity to COVID how come Vietnam and Taiwan are where they are now?
That's the price of ideological nonsense.