Nonsense. Opening the Middle Kingdom -- with or without a zillion boosters -- is a terrible strategy.
Seasonal Booster shots tailored to specific variants is an excellent strategy.
Booster shots tailored to specific variants will SIGNIFICANTLY reduce hospitalization and death. Indeed, the booster shots will not provide 100% protection against infection, and there will be new breakthrough cases due to new variants popping up, but you can address those variants as needed with a seasonal booster shot tailored to the next dominant viral strain. It's the exact same strategy we use for influenza seasonal flu and how we deal with new viral strains of the influenza virus.
It only takes one lethal and transmissible variant to kill tens of millions of people.
and all it takes is one booster shot specifically tailored to this lethal variant to render it mostly harmless.
You do know that vaccines can be specifically tailored to new variants right? You act like vaccines are all useless. You can easily take the spike protein of the Delta-variant and translate it into mRNA vaccine in less than 1 week. The turnaround time is very quick.
24,000 mutations per year from a single country is relatively slow. That's even slower than SAR-CoV-1 and Influenza virus. 99.9% of these mutations do not increase transmissibility or lethality. Influenza viruses mutate WAY faster, and I don't see you asking for lockdowns because of the possibility of influenza viruses mutating into a deadlier form.With 24,000 mutations just from India, the probability of deadly variants goes up enormously.
It's utterly irresponsible to add China's billion people to a global reservoir that's already of gigantic size.
If they are fully-vaccinated 1 billion Chinese with 2nd-gen vaccines, and 99% of vaccinated who are infected do not die, why do you care about variants, when there is boosters specifically tailored to new variants, and another 7 billion human hosts and another 100Trillion Bats, Deers, Dogs, Cats, Civets, Pangolins were variants can mutate and thrive?
You are in a narrow-minded mindset of "disease eradication" which is fully impossible. Get vaccinated and get boosters. You can't eradicate the disease, it's not possible. (China can, but if vaccines can reduce deaths significantly, then what is the cost-benefit ratio?)
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