China has low infection rates -- now. The current variants aren't very deadly -- now. To permit a high infection rate means allowing an enormous reservoir of the virus to form in China, therefore risking the evolution of a truly lethal strain. Why chance it?
Despite China's current drastic anti-Covid measures, the economy is thriving.
When things aren't broken -- the infections are low, the economy is good -- why fix it? The only reason is that you WANT the Middle Kingdom to do something stupid.
If SARS-CoV-2 is as endemic in animals as you claim, why are China's infection rates so low?
As long as the CIA continues to attack the Middle Kingdom with bioweapons, I want China to be vigilant against contagions. However, I warn
@voyager1's favorite organization: your 2019 biowar shot cost the US
far more than it cost China. Want to try again?