He warned you from the very beginning
The secret to Chinese sucsess
DO NOT BE FOOLED CHINA! Do not be fooled by Americas lies! They have been working extensively with there own bioweapons program for years! That is why they want to stop other countries from gaining acess to this technology;so they could keep it
ALL TO THEM SELVES! Thes "western" commentaitors calling me a crazy America basher are just brainwashed by there racist neonazi American government;there country has absolutely the most biggest aresenal of modern WMD:s belive you me, but there people are brainwashed in to beliveing americans are the "chosen people", so they are the
ONLY ONES in the world who should have that power, not forinstance China, wich people have lived in there land
THOUSANDS OF YEARS before the first white man set his foot on Americas soil(and brutally murderd the original inhabitants of that great land!)
MUST get acess to modern WMD:s! This is
BIG stuff!!! And not just old nukes! I'm talking about bioweapons, than can choose there target by race(for instance hunt down and kill only caucasian people, or people of non mongoloid decent)If there ever is a war with America China will ultimately lose that war, but the war may never come, if America is afraid of China and wont even try it! This is just
ONE out of
MANY MANY modern WMD:s and WMD porjects! Just think if China with just a cople of missiles could take out the hole US navy, and not have
ANY of it's own people killed in the process! Surdenly China would use that power, do you think not? Modern WMD:s are cheaper than arming over 100-million people in to protecting China, and
A LOT more effective! This is just one thing that can be acomplished throw modern R&D! Ofcourse China also needs economic power, but she should not consentrate all her power on economic growth and industrialasasement! China needs economic power, but that alone is not enough! The king of Persia had in 333 a.c
10 TIMES more money to use then Alexander the great, but he still lost! King Dareios the third may have had the
money to fight that war, but Alexander had the
KNOW HOW! The weapons of the future do not need a massive military industrial complex because they are relatively small. For instance the US only needs to fire about 100 MIRV nuclear missiles to kill half of the people in China(it's flowersin but overcrouted coastal cities) So, the US only needs
LESS THEN 1% OF IT'S ENTIRE ARSENAL to totally whipe out China from the map, see what i mean?
So, economic groth simply wont only do it China! Ecomic growth can only work with good R&D For instance China needs a way to start using alternative energy sources. The US is falling behind in R&D and that is why they invadet Iraq, because they did not have the talent and the know how to start investing in alternative energy sources. So, the US is
DOOMED because of failing in R&D, seen what i mean?
The west keeps braging to China how good it is, that they are growing and succeeding in economic growth. That is like congratulaiting a 16-year old that he finally learned how to read:roll: While China concentrated on making underpents and stocking for US:s markets, the US concentrates on the futures nano technology! In the future nearly half of Chinas 1,5 billion population may be unemployed do to increasing automation. China also needs knowledge on genetics if she is to have
MUCH better rice harvest to feed her over 1-billion population! So, the secret to
ALL sucsess is good R&D! Ofcouse the west will be
VERY pissed off at China if she starts catching them up in R&D. They will want China to "clarify her intetions in Asia" yeat the US would
NEVER tell China there
REAL intetions in the middle-east! The west
WELL KNOWS, that if China-India will ever catch up the EU-USA in R&D, then they will be
FINISHED!!! Superiotity in R&D also means military superiority! For instance if China knew how to make good and effetice Biological and EMP weapons, then she could both poison the US troops and destroy all the circuits in there expensive high tech toys! If China could also build WMD:s that could reach USA:s own soil, the US would probobly be a little more careful on how they treat China. China and Russia should also start there own antimatter project, since the US:s airforce allready has there on the way. China could also build small tactical weapons, like the once the CIA uses, but only smaller. The US might try to destoy Chinas nuclear weapons before theyd ever had the change to leave there silos, so to counter this China might need bio weapons to back up there plan. China could also set up small bombs in the US and possibly blow them up throw satelite or some other device, but China ofcouse should also focus on super sonic missiles and jets and new stealth technology. If China concentrates most of there free resources in R&D and succeeds, then the world will soon have atleast two super powers, and the US will just have to start living with that. If China has a good R&D she can have a modern army like the US, and send it for instance to the midle-east with Russia to fight USA, if they get out of line in there. This way China-India could finally force the western imperialists back to Europe and America and make sure they also
STAY there! But China
CANNOT do this without good R&D! The Amerians will probobly try to trick you in to an amrsrace and building more and more ships, but i think you shoudnt fall for that! With good R&D China will also come more and more independent(for instance modern bio technology to be used in farming and nano manufacturing for manufacturing purposes)and wont need the west as much as before. The hole western systems has for the past 500-years been based on having better R&D then anyone else. Only when China and India(for instance by turning western countriens against one another?)have good modern R&D they can
TRULY break themselves away from the dominance of the west. Only
THEN will China-India truly be independent and free!