A significant change has been made by the Chinese government in the reporting of cases by including clinically diagnosed cases as confirmed cases. In the Hubei province alone, 13,332 cases had been added to the numbers. You will see a significant spike in numbers and consequently headlines once it hits the news wire. This also mean that until to-date, the numbers were under represented in terms of scale of infection.
What support did they win? Con some pity money from the West to survive? LOL Did they even get any? They don't even dare go home much less challenge the CCP. Beijing has no choice but to live with the fact that traitorous people can hide outside China and it can't just kill them all or lock them up? LOLOL What big news! Which country in the world doesn't have to live with the fact that state enemies cannot all be assassinated as they hide in foreign countries? Or you mean that these groups "plot" to overthrow the CCP and that makes them powerful? LOLOL If I "plot" to overthrow the US government while hiding in North Korea subsisting on Kim Jong Un's stipend, does that make me EXTREMELY powerful too? Oooh, are the cockroaches in my kitchen "EXTREMELY powerful" because I have no choice but to live with the fact that I can't find them or kill them once they get under/behind my heavy appliances, as they plot to steal more and more food from me? Hahaha So many EXTREMELY powerful things in the world, eh? Propaganda is most powerful in the country of its origin. People in China support the CCP; outside of China, what can be done? China would have to take over the state medias of other countries in order to not "lose" the propaganda war by your definition.These groups are extremely powerful because they effectively took advantage of the U.S.-China ideological competition and won the material and moral supports of the West. Beijing now has no choice but to live with the fact that these groups are always plotting to overthrow the CCP and spread fake news. The CCP is already losing the propaganda war (narratives) from the Coronavirus outbreak to Hong Kong.
The mistake everyone pushing the "cover-up" story makes, including the Caixin article above, is hindsight bias.
Given that we known COVID-19 is 1) a new virus, and 2) has caused an epidemic, if we now go back and look at the actions and decisions of public health authorities, it is easy to imagine there was a cover up going on. When the authorities downplay the seriousness of the virus, you are thinking: "hey, we know the virus is serious, so obviously these guys are lying!".
What you are failing to take into account is that false positives far outnumber the false negatives.
When administrators and authorities downplay the seriousness of the outbreak, they are not trying to cover things up. They are trying to prevent people from panicking for no reason.
My twins were born premature at 29-weeks. They spent 3 months in the NICU. During that stay, the hospital we were at had an alert for an abnormally infectious flu-like virus. Needless to say, everyone at the NICU was extremely worried. The nurses reassured us that as long as we kept to established hygiene procedures, there was nothing for us to worry about. A week later, no viral outbreak occurred and everyone promptly forgot about this incident.
These kinds of alerts happen all the time in hospitals. COVID-19 happened in the middle of flu season, where many hospitals are routinely overwhelmed with pneumonia patients. When the surge of pneumonia patients occurred early on in Wuhan, the possibility of this being due to a completely novel and highly infectious virus was scientifically remote. A far more likely explanation was a simple statistical surge in the number of flu complications. That is why they needed the link to the seafood market to establish that this really was a novel virus. This was no conspiracy, simply the first step in establishing a valid epidemiological case.
Come on guys, cool it a bit. For a while, I thought I was in PDF,
I do not agree with Josh also. But please counter him with facts and not name calling and 4-letter words.
A significant change has been made by the Chinese government in the reporting of cases by including clinically diagnosed cases as confirmed cases. In the Hubei province alone, 13,332 cases had been added to the numbers. You will see a significant spike in numbers and consequently headlines once it hits the news wire. This also mean that until to-date, the numbers were under represented in terms of scale of infection.
My understanding is that the new categorization only applies for Hubei and not for outside of Hubei because outside of Hubei they have the resources to test everyone due to reduced patient demand, whereas Hubei's labs are likely overwhelmed.
In other words, the fact that they are using clinical diagnosis in Hubei is likely going to lead to an overestimation of the actual number of people who actually have coronavirus (until they actually get positive lab tests), because they're choosing to be safer and more cautious even if it makes the numbers look higher than they are.
So instead of false negatives, there will be false positives in Hubei. Don't know how I feel about this. I certainly don't want to be a false positive sharing a hospital room with true positives.