The fact is China's health care system detected this viral outbreak extremely quickly.
Li Wenliang wasn't a whistleblower, he was an ophthalmologist who shared his suspicions of a new SARS outbreak privately on WeChat, but someone took a screenshot of his chat and spread it to the general public. Tragically, Dr. Li contracted the virus and died from it.
This turned Dr. Li into a martyr, and the truth of what actually happened has been quickly forgotten. Dr. Li was one of the few doctors who suspected that the few cases of pneumonia in December 2019 had the potential to become a viral outbreak. Some of them shared their concerns with the relevant authorities, others, like Dr. Li, shared them privately. Those are perfectly normal and expected behaviors in the early stage of a viral outbreak!
Public authorities, both the civil authority of Wuhan and the public health authority of China CDC, can only act with the information they have. A few dire warnings among other contradictory reassurances does not constitute enough evidence to immediately quarantine an entire city of 14 million people, especially shortly before the most important holiday of the nation. Once conclusive evidence came out of the seriousness of the virus, Chinese authorities took immediate and decisive action.
It took less than two weeks for the Chinese authorities to lock down Wuhan after researchers confirmed the nature of this new virus. It is now February 12 and we are already seeing a drop in the number of new confirmed infections. It has only been one month since COVID-19 was first discovered!
Realistically speaking, it would be extremely difficult to be anymore efficient in a country the size of China.
What it can do, as I mentioned before, is to ban the operation of wet markets and step up on the enforcement of health regulations for meat vendors.
Random blood sampling of people at hospitals, airports, train stations, hotels, mass events, etc on a continous basis for any novel diseases or re-occuring outbreaks. The nation should maintain a database of volunteers that have signed up for the random blood sampling list and these people can be given a voucher or gift card for signing up, and when they were actually selected to give a sample then they will be given even more to compensate their time and troubles. or Send out free bloodkits that to random citizens in the population to have them send blood samples back to a CCDC labs if they feel something is wrong. Wuhan being a major city, if something like this existed at the major Wuhan hospitals this thing COVID19 would have been detected and properly determined giving China much more lead time to react.
Have city wide and province wide quarantine and lockdown plans implemented in place for all major Chinese cities and provinences, and have the government authorities practice drills and get proficient at it if the need ever arises again that a city has to be cut off at moments notice out of abundance of caution.
Leverage AI, Huawei, 5G, WeChat, TenCent, etc to predict and watch for early signs before something goes wrong or at the very earliest of stages so that it can be mitigated easily. The whistleblower doctor posted stuff to other doctors on WeChat concerning what he thought was a new SARs... WeChat AI should have datamined the content of the post, tie it to the idenity of the poster (doctor) and his gps location (Wuhan hospital) and the fact that Wuhan had a number of mysteries cases and this AI should have alerted someone in the CCDC as an anomaly that needs to be further looked into by a human. AI is scalable in that it can be trained to find that needle in the haystack and detect patterns that humans cannot see. Now that Chinese is a leader in AI, has 5G, and everyone uses WeChat all the tools are in place to effectuate something like this.
China needs a "See something Say something" micro app that is fully confidential but gives all Chinese citizens the freedom to report things directly to their govenment without fear getting into trouble. This is nothing to do with being democratic or freedom of speech, but merely crowd sourcing the Chinese public to report things early on before things get out of control. Certain population such as scientiests, doctors, lawyers, people in critical infrastructure etc their report will be given higher weight and more priority. This can be for any disaster prevention like terrorisms, etc and not restricted to disease control. Train AI to find the pertinent alerts and assign the manpower to effectively look into things. It can even be used to analysis the mood swings of a nation, had a system like this been in place for much of Hong Kong, the CCP could have predicted the outcome of the extradiction bill with AI, then withdrew the bill much earlier, early enough that the whole year long roit/protest might never have caught fire etc...
A big brother AI system would have caught this thing before it even started.