Coronavirus 2019-2020 thread (no unsubstantiated rumours!)


Lieutenant General
Too bad, the Vietnamese, especially its netizens, are not so friendly to China. Some even says "rather die than taking Chinese vaccines". So far as I know, the Vietnamese government rejected Chinese vaccines from the beginning and hanging around looking for Western vaccines that they finally found Astra Zeneca. Only a small amount has been imported. On the same news, it said the number of inoculation was around 170K as of today. Just for a comparison, Cambodia has inoculated its citizens up to 1.6m.
Nah the Vietnamese would wait for the Russian Sputnik 5 vaccines. But even the Russians are looking to China to mass produce it.


Registered Member
Well, this piece of information has always been there right from the beginning when the trial results were announced. It's just that the vast majority of the western media preferred to highlight the 50% efficacy rate.

Nothing surprising though.
Fully agree. Which is why am rather welcoming this new turn of rhetoric and narrative from the propagandist Americans because as you know, their dogs a.k.a. allies will soon follow suit with this kind of reporting since quite frankly, the western world needs China more than China needs the west. Most especially right now that their Jai Hind lackey's very rosy economic forecast is fast becoming like a nightmare from elm Street. The most recent export numbers that came out from the month of April has surprised the usual western economists with how robusts the output of China continues to make which is rather dumb for these so called economic gurus to be surprised about.

The world needs to be vaccinated and so while the west with their usual pontificating about human rights and the usual clap trap, they are once again showing the world that they are just talk and empty sloganeering with respect to their ongoing debate with the vaccine I.P. Then we have the Olympic sham business that's looking more glimmer by the day in Japan. A country whose prestige of technical excellence along with their governing competency. According to the latest report, Pres. Xi and the Olympic president had a telephone conversation in which Pres.Xi assured that the Beijing winter Olympics 2022 will proceed according to plan. One can only imagine the relief and smile from the Olympic leech boss picturing the potential ¥¥ and appeal for dumb countries to keep spending money on this wasteful exercise of hubris. But at the same time, one can also picture the envy the former king of Asia, the honorary white slave themselves, Japan. It ain't no land of the rising sun no more. It's more like the sun has set permanently.


Registered Member
@Bellum_Romanum me too, can't deny the truth anymore cause the future of humanity is on the line. Bro if you noticed with the Indian 2nd wave of covid the media coverage and its narrative had been shifting, the picture it provide is so eerie and apocalyptic. Need to give people hope and the Chinese vaccine availability is one way of providing a solution.
I was perusing your country's news channels to see how they're going to interpret this most recent announcement from the WHO and how the lapdogs of the American propaganda are going to spin this around lol.


Junior Member
Registered Member
Too bad, the Vietnamese, especially its netizens, are not so friendly to China. Some even says "rather die than taking Chinese vaccines". So far as I know, the Vietnamese government rejected Chinese vaccines from the beginning and hanging around looking for Western vaccines that they finally found Astra Zeneca. Only a small amount has been imported. On the same news, it said the number of inoculation was around 170K as of today. Just for a comparison, Cambodia has inoculated its citizens up to 1.6m.
Well this is obvious case of putting political above people life in Vietnam. Vietnam politician let news agency running wild about Covid and China from a started. Which is painting China and Chinese as bad as possible. Official news and unofficial rumors all about China is the devil mastermind behind Covid. The official news agency will translate articles of Western MSM about Covid( already bad) to Vietnamese, add tons of toxic word and twisted it more. And tons of dark sh*t rumors floating around social network, forum, blogs etc. I mean all thing like: bat soup, Wuhan lab, China send million people overseas to spread Covid, Wuhan dead city, million of corpse on street and most recent is China vaccine is all trash. So you can really blame people to not want take dose of toxic trash from the devil itself. It sad but i feel like karma come to Vietnam. If those politician can keep the manners then things will not come to dead end like this. Let say suddenly China and Vietnam Gov say will have million dose of China Covid vaccine come to Vietnam but then no Vietnamese want to take this includes me. Why because if i say i want to take China vaccine my family will think i crazy and lock me up. Yeah things crazy like this.