Coronavirus 2019-2020 thread (no unsubstantiated rumours!)


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This paragraph was what they (the west) accused China of. How it sounds like it is no sin when the Indians do it?
Pfft...You're being silly. The criticism is only reserved for the See See Pee because India is a Democracy with a big "D" so whatever it does, however shitty it runs it's affairs so long that Red CHYNA is doing gang busters in just about every meaningful metric then U.S. and the rest of the Human Rights woke west will see no evil, hear no evil when it comes to their lackey that's Jai Hind, INDIA.


As I read the news this morning, our nation (Cambodia) has vaccinated 1.6 million people which is roughly 10% of total population. Among those, 1.08 million have had second doses. I myself has also got the second dose of Sinovac. Another 1 million doses will arrive this month.

After 21 days of lockdown, the municipal of Phnom Penh has reopened with colored areas; yellow for low risk, orange for medium risk and red for high risk area. People in red areas are not allowed to go out from home. Only a few areas are marked as red and mainly are areas that migrant workers live. The rest has largely marked as yellow and opened.


It is good that Cambodia takes this virus seriously. Look at Japan, Kobe government just hides over 100 cases ad 10 deaths for days without reporting and nobody speak out. Japan was the most advanced Asian country not long ago and every countries in Asian was looking up to Japan. It is a great disappointment that Japan has fallen that much. No wonder South Korea has outperformed Japan over the years.
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If I read you correctly, I think you are referring to the recently shut down thread some poster here started.

It's moronic. But hardly surprising sincevir came from a poster that believes hakka could considered to be a separate group rather than Han group ( thus insulted every hakka here). Yhen he took offence and reported my reply. And the rest is history.

And now he got the audacity to start such an idiotic thread. Words fails me somerimes.

He was trying to divide us. Let's be careful.


It is good that Cambodia takes this virus seriously. Look at Japan, Kobe government just hides over 100 cases ad 10 deaths for days without reporting and nobody speak out. Japan was the most advanced Asian country not long ago and every countries in Asian was looking up to Japan. It is a great disappointment that Japan has fallen that much. No wonder South Korea has outperformed Japan over the years.
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I have no proof but I believe there are some Chinese experts behind the scene. All the quick vaccination and prompt lockdown. Those actions, to me, don't look like "Cambodian". Some people criticize that the lockdown was not done good enough because it was strict on paper but loose on enforcement.

For Japan, I think the short answer is "for Olympic"!


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In an Indian city, obituaries reveal missing coronavirus deaths and untold suffering​

As India reels under a
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, it is increasingly clear the situation is even worse than statistics indicate.
The actual toll is likely to be considerably higher. The Washington Post checked crematorium statistics in three cities in three Indian states and found a wide divergence from official tallies. In all of the cases, the statistics released by state authorities appeared to capture only a fraction of covid-19 deaths.

He said the crematorium has been receiving 100 bodies a day — unheard of before this year — and most of them are covid-19 patients that are wrapped in special plastic bags.
“But when you read the newspapers the next morning, the official figures say only five people died of covid-19 in the entire district,” said Notnani. “We know it’s a lie.”


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"The world is fast becoming ever more reliant on China for vaccines, with India’s raging virus outbreak stifling its ability to deliver on supply deals, even as the U.S. tries to position itself as a champion of wider access."

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@Bellum_Romanum Bro Not only that Western nation will manufactured their own medicines from now on instead of offshoring it to India.(as stated by Germany) A double whammy. This pandemic is a lesson to all to have at least some credible domestic capacity available instead of relying overseas.