manqiangrexue, for all your seeming pro-China posting here, you don't seem to understand that China's leadership is not looking for supremacy or the "crown".
It doesn't matter whether China is actively attempting to become the best. As long as China is not completely wrecked, the US will be pushing hard. (And many stupid Taiwanese are actually hoping the US will win, completely ignoring the long-term consequences for Taiwan itself if that should happen.)
Given a continued US hostility, China has only two choices: (1) give up, or (2) win. A draw is not a possibility: the US will not share the world with an equal power.
Giving up, as Japan did, is not an option for the Middle Kingdom, not with 1.4 billion people to support. On sheer momentum, China could coast for a few more years after giving up, perhaps a few more decades. But the long-term outlook would be dire.
So China must win, in the sense of becoming the world's greatest economic and technological power. Only the highest technology could hope to sustain the giant population, and only a strong economy could support a rapid technological development. So China has no choice but to become the best at nearly everything. And that is why the US is so hostile, because Americans want to be the best, and it is looking very likely that they won't be.
That is why I support China, because its goals are totally legitimate and righteous, and the US attempt to keep it down is immoral.
I flat out don't believe that you support mainland China. Perhaps in your deceptive way, you do support China -- the Republic of China.