COMAC C929 Widebody Airliner


Registered Member
I take it this project is now dead?

project is alive and kicking.

official statement from Shanghai government.

the CR929 passenger aircraft completed the first round of requirements verification, and the verification rate of the first batch of aircraft-level and system-level requirements will reach 98%, and the development of composite fuselage will continue..

composite fuselage is currently under construction. Russia completed the composite wing of CR929. COMAC verifying the supply chain. Rolls Royce has been chosen for engines.

CR929-600 showcase in Zhuhai Air Show2022.


i think you are asking about Russia's involvement in this project due to sanctions. if anything goes wrong, then Russia will become the supplier instead of partner. this is under consideration.


Junior Member
Registered Member
I am skeptical that Rolls-Royce will or rather the British government will let Rolls-Royce provide the engines once the project advances closer to maturity to throw a spanner into the project, especially once flight tests have been complete with sample engines which will definitely set the project a year back at least as they have to redo the tests, just like what the Canadian government made Pratt and Whitney do to the MA700 engines.


Lieutenant General
Registered Member
Well unfortunately the Russian engine development, for the PD-35, is basically stalled. Like I said they were supposed to be asking a Canadian company to build them a test stand for the engine. The same one that built the test stand for PD-14. But because of the sanctions on Russia you can just forget about it. So right now the Russians have a tested and working gas generator, you could say risk is retired like 80% on the engine. But they have no way of testing the full up engine on the ground. The Russians are supposedly going to try to repurpose an older test stand for the PD-35 near Perm but who knows when that will be available. Right now the Perm engine company is busy trying to ramp up PD-14 engine production. Because of Western sanctions on aircraft and aircraft part sales to Russia the PD-14 engine construction requirement basically tripled or quadrupled overnight.

As for the Chinese engine, the CJ-2000, who knows when that will be available.
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Registered Member
Given the advancements with WS-20 and recently even CJ-1000A, I'd bet that it will be faster progress than whenever the Russians can get theirs to work.
we have had enough discussion on CJ-2000 in Engine thread.

CJ-2000 progress is faster than CJ-1000. thnx to advancement in overall industrial complex and solid foundation with WS-15/WS-20/CJ-1000 and other projects.

during Zhuhai Air show 2021. AECC officially announced CJ-2000 certification date. it was 2030. very rare for Chinese aviation firm. they usually don't reveal anything. but what i have heard recently from my source. progress is actually very fast and project team is very optimistic. so they can announce something in15th five year plan (2025-2030)..

here is the screen-shot from AECC promotional video of CJ-2000 engine..


if everything goes well, then we have engine ready before 2030.
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