another one of these from Orient cable in the Orsted wind power's Baltica 2 project. This one is for 66kV submarine cable, so chinese companies are providing all the 66 and 275kV cable for that projectJust to show the improving competitiveness of Chinese firm. I found another one that has been winning contracts that that is (SH600522)
just won two new contracts on in Europe and one domestically
In Europe, it is for Orsted Wind Power's Baltica 2 project and the contract is worth 1.209B RMB for 275kV submarine cable
and the other one is domestic
for 968m RMB for 220kV cable near Guangdong
This is after winning a major submarine contract with Brazil
And Mexican oil & gas field in February
they also won contracts with Saudi Arabia, Malaysia & Myanmar
Basically as we get more of these offshore wind projects domestically, there just more of these domestic players that are finding their way to more lucrative international contracts.
keep in mind this is just for 1.1GW of wind power. so as Europe expand its offshore wind production, there will be a lot of opportunities like this for Chinese firms1、东方电缆公告将作为供应商向Baltica 2海上风电项目提供整个风场66kV海缆及配套附件,合同总金额近3.5亿元人民币。公司此前一季报公告签署Inch Cape海风(1.1GW)输出缆供应前期工程协议,顺利完成型式实验后将另行签订合同成为输出缆供应商。我们认为本次订单再次验证公司作为海缆龙头的全球竞争力。
Desalination is indeed also an energy storage mechanism.As the cost of renewables continue to decrease, I still think it makes sense to build a East to West canal using desalinated water. The water would be pumped against the gradient during the day and late night, which acts as energy storage and thus solving the intermittency issue. It can also be released for household/industrial consumption, thus solving the water shortage issue. It can also receive diverted water from natural rivers, thus solving the flooding issue.
China has already built massive canals, this should be a feasible project.
Looks like Jilin area has pretty big ambitions with wind/solar & hydrogen. It anticipates to install 11GW wind & 5GW solar by the end of 十四五刘英杰在仪式上致辞,他说,近年来,松原市始终坚持将转化为产业优势,以产业为主线,深度融入“陆上风光三峡”“氢动吉林”、国家级清洁能源基地建设等重大战略,发挥风光电资源优势,抢抓新能源产业“风口”,到“十四五”期末,全市新能源装机达到1600万千瓦,其中风电1100万千瓦,光伏500万千瓦。
project will involve building a production of 500kt of green methanol when completed. The first phase of plan is for 200kt of capacity双方达成共识共同规划建设年产50万吨高端绿色甲醇生产项目,建成后每年直接消纳约75万吨二氧化碳,每年间接减排约220万吨二氧化碳,相当于1500平方公里森林每年吸收的二氧化碳,以25年计共减排约5500万吨二氧化碳,本次计划首期投资建设20万吨绿色甲醇产能。
also has a ultra high temp electrolysis hydrogen storage tech of 1B RMB and another billion for hydrogen vehicle related tech and 200m RMB for fuel cell manufacturing在会议现场签约的项目有:淖尔天润巴彦淖尔市200万千瓦风电制氢制50万吨甲醇项目金额140亿元;准格尔大路工业园绿电捕捉二氧化碳项目金额23亿元;绿电耦合水电解制氢设备智能化运营平台及高动态响应性超高温电解制储氢技术研发应用示范项目签约10亿元;氢能产业生态合作协议氢能汽车购销协议项目金额10亿元。氢燃料电池生产制造项目金额2亿元。