Looks like Mingyang won good chunk of the bid for CZ 500MW offshore wind turbine project which will be off the coast of Hainan.
It's 12km offshore at sea depth of 12 to 265.m covering area of 79.7 km2. To complete delivery by second half of this year.
China bid 19GW of offshore wind power in 2022, but not all of its installed, so expect huge bounce back in offshore wind in 2023.
Good chance wind installation exceed 75GW in 2023. Expecting offshore to increase 160% and onshore to increase over 60%
In December, Mingyang came out with 7.15MW and 8.5MW large onshore wind turbine geared for installation in desserts.
In January, it unveiled 18MW offshore wind turbine.
In their new smart new energy industrial park
It's 12km offshore at sea depth of 12 to 265.m covering area of 79.7 km2. To complete delivery by second half of this year.
China bid 19GW of offshore wind power in 2022, but not all of its installed, so expect huge bounce back in offshore wind in 2023.
Good chance wind installation exceed 75GW in 2023. Expecting offshore to increase 160% and onshore to increase over 60%
In December, Mingyang came out with 7.15MW and 8.5MW large onshore wind turbine geared for installation in desserts.
In January, it unveiled 18MW offshore wind turbine.
In their new smart new energy industrial park
With 5B RMB investment and after 9 months, they can produce over 1000 5 to 10 MW level onshore wind turbines and 1800 blade.投资50多亿元的明阳新能源智能制造产业园一期项目,经过9个月的“跑步”建设,年产1000台以上5-10MW系列的陆上超大型风电整机制造厂、年产1800片以上的碳玻混合超长叶片制造厂和年产1000台以上的中速永磁发电机制造厂去年年底同时竣工投产。作为风电机组的核心部件,明阳生产的风电叶片依靠防沙设计和一体化设计以及更高的发电率和更优的经济性,订单在市场占有率稳居行业前列