If you are looking for a company to invest in and have access to China's stock market, I would seriously suggest MingYang. This is a good article about why you should consider them
First, China has huge onshore wind turbine demand, which is all about lower cost. Mingyang can now produce its own blade, tower and gearbox, all of which will allow it to compete better. It also has its 8.5MW turbine which is competitive with everyone else.
Where Mingyang really excels in is offshore turbine. It has the leading offshore 18MW product that was recently announced. All the turbines getting delivered this year are in the 10-14MW range. It will be delivering 16MW turbine next year. On top of that, it has full lineup of floating turbines, which is essential in harnessing the more powerful & abundant farther away offshore wind power.
But they go beyond that
But their biggest path forward is the hydrogen production business. They designed the world's largest alkaline electrolysis system. It has broadband tuning from 10 to 110% to adjust to the volatility of renewable energy
With fish farms and hydrogen production.
H2 production makes a lot of sense when there is excessive wind energy, which severely lowers power prices.
First, China has huge onshore wind turbine demand, which is all about lower cost. Mingyang can now produce its own blade, tower and gearbox, all of which will allow it to compete better. It also has its 8.5MW turbine which is competitive with everyone else.
Where Mingyang really excels in is offshore turbine. It has the leading offshore 18MW product that was recently announced. All the turbines getting delivered this year are in the 10-14MW range. It will be delivering 16MW turbine next year. On top of that, it has full lineup of floating turbines, which is essential in harnessing the more powerful & abundant farther away offshore wind power.
But they go beyond that
They've gotten into photovoltaics. Can make their own HJT battery. And produces Cadmium Telluride. Their goal with photovoltaics is to satisfy the requirement of wind/solar/storage projects.最近几年,明阳涉足光伏,做了HJT电池和组件,另外还有碲化镉产能。明阳做光伏的意图,应该除了可以和风电一起利用市场资源外,还为了满足自己建设的风光储一体化师范项目使用
I've actually looked here . They subsidiary REnergy Electric looks to have their own energy storage power conversion system.旗下全资子公司天津瑞能电气有限公司经过多年的技术经验积累,已开发出了储能PCS系统,并已有批量外部订单。去年又投资海基,使打通储能系统从PCS到电池的储能核心产业链布局
But their biggest path forward is the hydrogen production business. They designed the world's largest alkaline electrolysis system. It has broadband tuning from 10 to 110% to adjust to the volatility of renewable energy
But the focus on Mingyang is offshore wind power and exploring sea resource.22年10月13日,制造的全球最大单体碱性水电解制氢装备在广东成功下线。全新下线的碱性水电解制氢装备单体产氢量为1500-2500Nm/h,单体产氢能力全球最大,由明阳智能自主独立设计并生产制造,具备10%-110%宽频调谐制氢能力,在消纳可再生能源波动性方面实现了技术突破;该装备可实现一键式操作
With fish farms and hydrogen production.
H2 production makes a lot of sense when there is excessive wind energy, which severely lowers power prices.
Hydrogen fuel can be used in industrial fields like metallurgy, chemical industry & others. By 2060, 60% on hydrogen usage is estimated to be industrial and only 31% expected to be in transportation明阳把风电重点放在海上风电,因此后面的所有布局都是围绕海风开展的。
So, it's looking to be involved in the most promising green areas of the future. At some point, the cheapest hydrogen will be produced by excessive power from wind/solar floating farms during offpeak hours directly by splitting seawater. China does have a lot of offshore ocean in SCS and ECS and even yellow sea that can be explored here. It's a great way to become a net exporter of energy product, cheap energy product.氢能不仅可以像光伏、风能一样发电,像锂电池一样用于交通领域,同时也可作为冶金、化工等工业领域的燃料使用。艾瑞咨询曾做过测算,预计到2060年,我国氢气利用结构中工业占比最大,约为60%,其次才是占比31%的交通领域