renewable power generation for 2024
I think we should hit 40% for non-thermal power generation in 2024
I think we should hit 40% for non-thermal power generation in 2024
Tax who and which public get the money? End users should be the one paying the taxes, not producers, and the taxes should be paid to lowest income people of the world. Can’t have the West enjoy the fruit of the labour by other countries while getting all the carbon tax money.[...] Hansen said the point of no return could be avoided, based on the growing conviction of young people that they should follow the science. He called for a carbon fee and dividend policy, where all fossil fuels are taxed and the revenue returned to the public. "The basic problem is that the waste products of fossil fuels are still dumped in the air free of charge," he said.
The cells, with a thickness comparable to the diameter of a human hair, combine perovskite and copper indium gallium selenide (CIGS) layers, offering promising applications in wearable devices, curved building surfaces, electric vehicles and aerospace, the Science and Technology Daily reported on Thursday.
A team from the Chinese solar technology firm Longi has set a new world record of 33.9% for a silicon-perovskite tandem solar cell
What do you base these predictions on? Tarot cards, astrology, i-Ching, tealeaves? Or are you just following the modern Nostrodamus, Craig Hamilton-Parker?Here are my predication for 2025. I was thinking of posting this since January, but was too lazy. Which is a shame since I totally predicated "Major urban area burns down" that has already happened in the California fires.
Large scale deaths due to heat related complications. Africa and south Asia are the hotspots, though it will likely happen in most continents. I'm predicating that India will likely see a million deaths from heatstroke this year, with a lot more from secondary complications that heat injuries brings on. Might have even come close last year, with the 2024 Indian heatwave being one of the worse on record, but accurate numbers are impossible to come by in India, even without officials fudging the numbers. Might even see this in concentrated regions, with an entire town or even city seeing a mass casualty event over the course of a handful of days, maybe with a rolling blackout involved.
Cities and countries paralyzed by heat. Even if nobody dies, a heat wave will cripple a city. Too hot to work outdoors during the day. Schools and business closes. Rolling blackouts. It's basically a guarantee since this has always happened, but I predict that 2025 will be the largest on record, crippling nearly entire countries for days/weeks during their summers or dry seasons.
Large scale crop loss due to heat. This is a new one. Plants dying on a large scale out due to drought, diseases, cold temperatures and floods is common. Heat stunted crops are also known. But large scale crop failures due to crops dying from what's basically heat stroke? Even with access to all the water that the plants want? Again, I think south asia will be the one experiencing this. And even without the actual plant dying, having your yields cut by 90% due to heat related stunting will also be bad.
Major urban area burns to the ground. Already happened with California, but I think there's more to come this year. California in the summer is gonna be interesting. Australia is also a major risk factor.
Weekly typhoons and hurricanes forming during the season. The Philippines gets hit by a dozen super typhoons. America gets hit by a Hurricane Katrina level hurricane that basically destroys an entire city.