Climate Change and Renewable Energy News and Discussion


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More investment is needed in Climate mitigation technology and Renewable Energy​

The pace of global heating has been significantly underestimated, according to renowned climate scientist Prof James Hansen, who
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." A new analysis by Hansen and colleagues concludes that both the impact of recent cuts in sun-blocking shipping pollution, which has raised temperatures, and the sensitivity of the climate to increasing fossil fuels emissions are greater than thought.
The group's results are at the high end of estimates from mainstream climate science but cannot be ruled out, independent experts said. If correct, they mean even worse extreme weather will come sooner and there is a greater risk of passing global tipping points, such as the collapse of the critical Atlantic ocean currents.

Hansen, at Columbia University in the US, sounded the alarm to the general public about climate breakdown in testimony he gave to a UN congressional committee in 1988. "The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPPC) defined a scenario which gives a 50% chance to keep warming under 2C -- that scenario is now impossible," he said. "The 2C target is dead, because the global energy use is rising, and it will continue to rise." The new analysis said global heating is likely to reach 2C by 2045, unless solar geoengineering is deployed. [...] In the new study,
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, Hansen's team said: "Failure to be realistic in climate assessment and failure to call out the fecklessness of current policies to stem global warming is not helpful to young people."

[...] Hansen said the point of no return could be avoided, based on the growing conviction of young people that they should follow the science. He called for a carbon fee and dividend policy, where all fossil fuels are taxed and the revenue returned to the public. "The basic problem is that the waste products of fossil fuels are still dumped in the air free of charge," he said. He also backed the rapid development of nuclear power. Hansen also supported research on cooling the Earth using controversial geoengineering techniques to block sunlight, which he prefers to call "purposeful global cooling." He said: "We do not recommend implementing climate interventions, but we suggest that young people not be prohibited from having knowledge of the potential and limitations of purposeful global cooling in their toolbox." Political change is needed to achieve all these measures, Hansen said: "Special interests have assumed far too much power in our political systems. In democratic countries the power should be with the voter, not with the people who have the money. That requires fixing some of our democracies, including the US."

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Looks like since the 70s we started to cut pollutants that were cooling to the planet like Sulfur Dioxide and aerosols, that leave the planet with one pollutant that is causing the heating, CO2 and different from the others for CO2 there is not quick solution.


Grumpy Old Man
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Moderator - World Affairs
[...] Hansen said the point of no return could be avoided, based on the growing conviction of young people that they should follow the science. He called for a carbon fee and dividend policy, where all fossil fuels are taxed and the revenue returned to the public. "The basic problem is that the waste products of fossil fuels are still dumped in the air free of charge," he said.
Tax who and which public get the money? End users should be the one paying the taxes, not producers, and the taxes should be paid to lowest income people of the world. Can’t have the West enjoy the fruit of the labour by other countries while getting all the carbon tax money.


Breakthrough in ultra-thin, flexible tandem solar panels:
The cells, with a thickness comparable to the diameter of a human hair, combine perovskite and copper indium gallium selenide (CIGS) layers, offering promising applications in wearable devices, curved building surfaces, electric vehicles and aerospace, the Science and Technology Daily reported on Thursday.
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New world record for tandem solar cells:
A team from the Chinese solar technology firm Longi has set a new world record of 33.9% for a silicon-perovskite tandem solar cell
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Registered Member
buckle up people we are heading towards a 2 degree world.​

China Can Achieve Carbon Neutrality in Line with the Paris Agreement's 2 °C Target: Navigating Global Emissions Scenarios, Warming Levels, and Extreme Event Projections​

This paper proposes that China, under the challenge of balancing its development and security, can aim for the Paris Agreement’s goal to limit global warming to no more than 2 °C by actively seeking carbon-peak and carbon-neutrality pathways that align with China’s national conditions, rather than following the idealized path toward the 1.5 °C target by initially relying on extensive negative-emission technologies such as direct air carbon capture and storage (DACCS). This work suggests that pursuing a 1.5 °C target is increasingly less feasible for China, as it would potentially incur 3-4 times the cost of pursuing the 2 °C target. With China being likely to achieve a peak in its emissions around 2028, at about 12.8 billion tonnes of anthropogenic CO2, and become carbon neutral, projected global warming levels may be less severe after the 2050s than previously estimated. This could reduce the risk potential of climate tipping points and extreme events, especially considering that the other two major carbon emitters in the world (Europe and North America) have already passed their carbon peaks. While natural carbon sinks will contribute to China’s carbon neutrality efforts, they are not expected to be decisive in the transition stages. This research also addresses the growing focus on climate overshoot, tipping points, extreme events, loss and damage, and methane reductions in international climate cooperation, emphasizing the need to balance these issues with China’s development, security, and fairness considerations. China’s pursuit of carbon neutrality will have significant implications for global emissions scenarios, warming levels, and extreme event projections, as well as for climate change hotspots of international concern, such as climate tipping points, the climate crisis, and the notion that the world has moved from a warming to a boiling era. Possible research recommendations for global emissions scenarios based on China’s 2 °C target pathway are also summarized.

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Junior Member
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Here are my predication for 2025. I was thinking of posting this since January, but was too lazy. Which is a shame since I totally predicated "Major urban area burns down" that has already happened in the California fires.

Large scale deaths due to heat related complications. Africa and south Asia are the hotspots, though it will likely happen in most continents. I'm predicating that India will likely see a million deaths from heatstroke this year, with a lot more from secondary complications that heat injuries brings on. Might have even come close last year, with the 2024 Indian heatwave being one of the worse on record, but accurate numbers are impossible to come by in India, even without officials fudging the numbers. Might even see this in concentrated regions, with an entire town or even city seeing a mass casualty event over the course of a handful of days, maybe with a rolling blackout involved.

Cities and countries paralyzed by heat. Even if nobody dies, a heat wave will cripple a city. Too hot to work outdoors during the day. Schools and business closes. Rolling blackouts. It's basically a guarantee since this has always happened, but I predict that 2025 will be the largest on record, crippling nearly entire countries for days/weeks during their summers or dry seasons.

Large scale crop loss due to heat. This is a new one. Plants dying on a large scale out due to drought, diseases, cold temperatures and floods is common. Heat stunted crops are also known. But large scale crop failures due to crops dying from what's basically heat stroke? Even with access to all the water that the plants want? Again, I think south asia will be the one experiencing this. And even without the actual plant dying, having your yields cut by 90% due to heat related stunting will also be bad.

Major urban area burns to the ground. Already happened with California, but I think there's more to come this year. California in the summer is gonna be interesting. Australia is also a major risk factor.

Weekly typhoons and hurricanes forming during the season. The Philippines gets hit by a dozen super typhoons. America gets hit by a Hurricane Katrina level hurricane that basically destroys an entire city.
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Registered Member
Here are my predication for 2025. I was thinking of posting this since January, but was too lazy. Which is a shame since I totally predicated "Major urban area burns down" that has already happened in the California fires.

Large scale deaths due to heat related complications. Africa and south Asia are the hotspots, though it will likely happen in most continents. I'm predicating that India will likely see a million deaths from heatstroke this year, with a lot more from secondary complications that heat injuries brings on. Might have even come close last year, with the 2024 Indian heatwave being one of the worse on record, but accurate numbers are impossible to come by in India, even without officials fudging the numbers. Might even see this in concentrated regions, with an entire town or even city seeing a mass casualty event over the course of a handful of days, maybe with a rolling blackout involved.

Cities and countries paralyzed by heat. Even if nobody dies, a heat wave will cripple a city. Too hot to work outdoors during the day. Schools and business closes. Rolling blackouts. It's basically a guarantee since this has always happened, but I predict that 2025 will be the largest on record, crippling nearly entire countries for days/weeks during their summers or dry seasons.

Large scale crop loss due to heat. This is a new one. Plants dying on a large scale out due to drought, diseases, cold temperatures and floods is common. Heat stunted crops are also known. But large scale crop failures due to crops dying from what's basically heat stroke? Even with access to all the water that the plants want? Again, I think south asia will be the one experiencing this. And even without the actual plant dying, having your yields cut by 90% due to heat related stunting will also be bad.

Major urban area burns to the ground. Already happened with California, but I think there's more to come this year. California in the summer is gonna be interesting. Australia is also a major risk factor.

Weekly typhoons and hurricanes forming during the season. The Philippines gets hit by a dozen super typhoons. America gets hit by a Hurricane Katrina level hurricane that basically destroys an entire city.
What do you base these predictions on? Tarot cards, astrology, i-Ching, tealeaves? Or are you just following the modern Nostrodamus, Craig Hamilton-Parker?