Chinese UAV/UCAV development

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Lieutenant General
Bit of a crazy idea, but I wonder if China’s upcoming solar power station plan might have application for UAVs.

Provided they can minimise the power receiver sufficiently, beaming power to high flying UAVs would essentially be little different to how part of the power station would work anyways, which is to transmit wireless energy from orbit to airships stationed in the stratosphere to subsequently transmit power to the ground. You will just cut out the need to further pass on the power to the ground.

Imagine UAV/UCAVs getting orbital wireless chargers and essentially gaining unlimited flight time and range.

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Staff member
Super Moderator
Bit of a crazy idea, but I wonder if China’s upcoming solar power station plan might have application for UAVs.

Provided they can minimise the power receiver sufficiently, beaming power to high flying UAVs would essentially be little different to how part of the power station would work anyways, which is to transmit wireless energy from orbit to airships stationed in the stratosphere to subsequently transmit power to the ground. You will just cut out the need to further pass on the power to the ground.

Imagine UAV/UCAVs getting orbital wireless chargers and essentially gaining unlimited flight time and range.

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Depending on how large of a diameter the microwave beam is when it reaches Earth maybe powering drone swarm is a good application. Imagine if it is around 1-5 sq kilometers across. Any drone flying within the target area could be powered.



That's a BZK-005 with a SAR radar, first spotted back in 2020.



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Recently AVIC's Helicopter Design Institute conducted tests of takeoff and landing on ship at sea for its "Xuange-500BJ (旋戈-500BJ)" unmanned helicopter (also known as the AR-500 series). This success is considered as a "major breakthrough" of the 5 year long project.

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[China only by now has unmanned helicopter capable of taking off and landing on ships at sea? Having seen the mockup of some unmanned helicopters on the LHD-31 Hainan, I thought it's a solved problem for long.]


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A team from Nankai University flew China's first jet engine powered STOVL UAV on July 22. The prototype can lift up to 100kg of payload.

This STOVL aircraft does not have rotors and wings. It is powered by "4 to 8 small diesel turbojet engines" [The flown prototype and the design schematic both show 4 engines.]

The flight control system and thrust vectoring system are indigenously developed in house. The lead designer expects to work on adding features such as target search and tracking, drone swarm control, etc.

[Speaking of drone swarm, we have seen this technology from Zhejiang University a couple of months ago. Just imagine the result of these two works combined.]

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天津7月22日电 (孙玲玲 乔仁铭)近日,中国自主研发首款垂直起降喷气动力飞行器在天津试飞成功。据悉,这款由南开大学人工智能学院段峰教授团队研发的飞行器载重量可达100公斤,填补了中国垂直起降喷气式动力飞行器设计及控制领域的空白。




See also a short clip of the flight video embedded here (Chrome works better for me):
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Registered Member
A team from Nankai University flew China's first jet engine powered STOVL UAV on July 22. The prototype can lift up to 100kg of payload.

This STOVL aircraft does not have rotors and wings. It is powered by "4 to 8 small diesel turbojet engines" [The flown prototype and the design schematic both show 4 engines.]

The flight control system and thrust vectoring system are indigenously developed in house. The lead designer expects to work on adding features such as target search and tracking, drone swarm control, etc.

[Speaking of drone swarm, we have seen this technology from Zhejiang University a couple of months ago. Just imagine the result of these two works combined.]

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See also a short clip of the flight video embedded here (Chrome works better for me):
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View attachment 93848

For some more details about it:
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If they could increase its payload then they could also adapt this for logistics.
Put a pallet on it, and put whatever you want on top for quick and flexible logistic deliveries
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