Chinese UAV/UCAV development

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Lieutenant General
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Any news of the huge one at CAC ???



Senior Member
The first pic doesn't show the same UAV as the last few I believe. It looks way smaller actually.

The rear landing-gear struts have changed to a vertical position. However, the design of the nose and rear fuselage remains the same.

Any news of the huge one at CAC ???


Regarding the joined-wing UAV, we have to be patient.
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Re: China's Pterodactyl UAV


China's Pterodactyl UAV


China's Pterodactyl UAV carries HJ-10 anti-helicopter/anti-tank missiles with 10+ km range


"The Pterodactyl is capable of being fitted with a variety of sensors, including a forward-looking infrared turret and synthetic aperture radar;[2] in addition, the aircraft is capable of carrying weapons.[4] The Pterodactyl I's total payload capacity for sensors and weapons is 200 kilograms (440 lb).[2]"

[Note: Thank you to HouShanghai for the pictures.]

The first one seems to be a CG rendering. The second one is likely the real thing. The third one is probably a model.


Lieutenant General
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This is what the pterodactyl looks like

The first picture in martian's set isn't a CG, but I don't think it's the same plane either. It isn't consistent with any of the others that we've seen, nor any of them in the set. It's landing gear is different, the nose is different...
So either that isn't the pterodactyl or it was an earlier model

We know that this uav has changed from this:

to this

It's possible there was another step between them, but the landing gear looks so different I doubt it. And it doesn't look like a follow on to the latest model either.


Senior Member


Here are the original fuzzy photos. I had to correct for color, contrast, and brightness. I don't correct for sharpness anymore, because it flattens out 95% of the pictures.
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Lieutenant General
Are we sure these are two separate UCAV programmes?

They look pretty much the same size, and the general configuration is so consistent that it looks more like natural progression from early alpha prototype to pre-production model, especially when we look at how the Pterodactyl's design has changed between the first and most recent models as Martin's post amply illustrates.

The changes to the landing gear might have arisen as a result of test flight, and enlarging the head to allow a standard satcomm dish seems sensible as well.

Unless they have some kind of competition between different companies, it would not make a lot of sense to have two different UCAV designs that are off the same weight and perform the same roles.
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