Chinese Trainer Aircraft (JL-8, JL-9, JL-10 (L-15), etc.)


Registered Member
Considering that Skyrizon of the AECC (Aero Engine Corporation of China)
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as recently as two months ago after the sale of the company was blocked by the Ukrainian government on national security grounds, I don't think China has a domestic engine in the same class as the AI-222. Suffice to say, this arbitration is probably not a big priority in Ukraine right now which will drag out the resolution between the two companies.

It is hard to say if China will fill their future orders with a domestic engine but in all likelihood, probably not anytime soon. From, what I've read, the WS-17 Minshan is still nowhere near ready after all these years, with the L-15 at Dubai last year for example, still flying with the custom modified AI-322 variant of the AI-222 engine.
Watch this video. This news has came out. this guy is an Ex-PLA officer & have reliable source related PLA developments. WS-17 seems ready to equip on L-15 ..



Junior Member
Watch this video. This news has came out. this guy is an Ex-PLA officer & have reliable source related PLA developments. WS-17 seems ready to equip on L-15 ..

Great video, and very recent too (last month)! Things are certainly looking up for the Minshan which has, suffered (as Mr. Fu mentioned) from a lack of attention and domestic investment compared to medium thrust turbofans. He does mention that the vacuum powder forging technology is very new and has not been implemented just yet (so unlikely for the Ethiopian and UAE orders) but this is certainly the breakthrough the Minshan and the L-15 needed.