They are still making new JJ-7, but this is the final batch except they can find some foreign customer very soon, which is obviously very unlikely.
"GAC CEO Wang Wenfei and the Chief Military Representative signed on the record book of JJ-7A and congratulated each other. This indicated that the last batch of JJ-7A from GAC's 20 years production is delivered."9月23日下午2点10分,贵飞公司董事长、总经理、党委书记王文飞与驻公司总军代表共同在歼教七飞机履历本上签字,之后双方紧紧握手相互祝贺。这标志着由贵飞公司近20年生产交付的歼教七A型飞机最后一批飞机顺利实现铅封交付。公司领导单怀荣、周治能、臧建新及质量、检验、生产等部门主要领导和军代表参加签字仪式。副总师张卫东主持签字。