Chinese Soft Power and Media Discussion and Updates


you guys falling hard for filters and makeup magic.

Dont get me wrong. There are plenty of Chinese girls who do look as attractive (subjective yea but I mean with that style and pixie look) but online aint where the truth is often at lol

After a while, you can kind of see through the make up and the filters, if you know what to look for.

Beauty standards in China are so different from those in the West. In mainland China, beauty reflects upper class and stylishness, while Western beauty emphasizes sex appeal. Taiwan beauty standards follow the West, and to me, that makes them look more skanky than pretty.


Keep in mind, these results would probably higher if the sample included only white Americans. Imagine how high the number would be if it wasn't about nuclear bombs (a crime against humanity). This is over some theoretical "perceived threat" before the NK even attacked. Also need to adjust for all the virtue signalers who were lying in the survey.

One-Third of U.S. Supports Nuclear War on North Korea, Knowing It Would Kill One Million, Report Shows
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link is newsweek com us support north korea nuclear war one million dead 1445578

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I'm not disagreeing with the contents of the article and I'm definitely not a Western apologist. Americans have been told by their government that Chinese and North Korean people are bloodthirsty murderers who live for the sole purpose of killing Westerners. The Judeo-American propaganda machine is larger and more omnipresent that either of us could possibly imagine. Based on what I've seen, many Americans genuinely believe that nuking North Korea would be an act of self-defense because they've been told that North Korea would destroy the United States in a heartbeat if it could. They feel the same way about China because of decades of incessant propaganda. I've seen many white Americans change their minds about China after they find out that Chinese people don't hate them and aren't trying to destroy the United States. I can imagine a future in which the West and China get along.

On the other hand, most Indians, especially Indians living in Western countries, blindly hate Chinese people. There's little we can do about that and I'm glad that we agree on that.


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I am just wondering what China is gaining from the XHS situation? Now that the U.S. is on the brink of fading into history the worst thing that could happen is that China successfully influences America to become more like China, but with infinite money due to their reserve currency status. The evil in the U.S., the small minority who controls everything, is not going away.

By the way, forcing the U.S. to ban XHS is trivially easy, just relentlessly push anti-Jewish content to the front page of all American users. The app will be banned within days, not weeks.


Staff member
Super Moderator
I am just wondering what China is gaining from the XHS situation? Now that the U.S. is on the brink of fading into history the worst thing that could happen is that China successfully influences America to become more like China, but with infinite money due to their reserve currency status. The evil in the U.S., the small minority who controls everything, is not going away.

By the way, forcing the U.S. to ban XHS is trivially easy, just relentlessly push anti-Jewish content to the front page of all American users. The app will be banned within days, not weeks.
Why is that a bad thing? If they can get rid of the oligarchs and become successful legitimately then it is the best thing that can happen to the world. They can’t become successful if they keep the oligarchs because they are physically incapable of sharing even a morsel of their wealth.


Registered Member
I am just wondering what China is gaining from the XHS situation? Now that the U.S. is on the brink of fading into history the worst thing that could happen is that China successfully influences America to become more like China, but with infinite money due to their reserve currency status. The evil in the U.S., the small minority who controls everything, is not going away.

By the way, forcing the U.S. to ban XHS is trivially easy, just relentlessly push anti-Jewish content to the front page of all American users. The app will be banned within days, not weeks.
A pound of fresh pick corn on the cob, 3 US dollars. Ambulance fee without insurance, 500 to 3500 US dollars. College tuition for 1 year, 11000 to 43000 US dollars. For average Chinese to hear all these from Americans themselves, priceless.
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Registered Member
Yea, too much filters for Chinese girls on Chinese social media. Every time I visit China, I'm disappointed I don't see those Douyin beauties IRL. I don't know how bros in China deal with this dichotomy. As much as I think the fact that Chinese beauty filters are used all over the world is a soft power victory, I think it doesn't lead to good outcomes in society either.
They're all at Markham (GoodLife Fitness) working out. Them ladies are really something I must say.