Chinese Soft Power and Media Discussion and Updates


Registered Member
Now that I think about this again, I hope I'm overreacting. These robots, while improving, may never be a sufficient alternative to real women. The stimulation of sex is multi-faceted; much of it is mental. If it were just the physical sensation, then much less than these robots, perhaps only some silicone asses with pulse and heat functions would suffice. But a large part of sexual pleasure resides in seeing your partner's reactions, seeing how you please them, and knowing that it is real and it is a joint experience. The reactions of a machine are nothing but programming that is already there, waiting for you, created to cheat you to feeling a certain way, as if you've accomplished pleasing your partner when all you've actually done is submit yourself to being manipulated by a computer program. The knowledge of this should mean that no matter how realistic a sex bot is, it cannot substitute a real woman.

This can confine the role of sex robots to prevent thier spread and damage to the whole of society, limiting them to incels and losers who would never have been able to find a real partner anyway. Only these people can pretend, in a sour grapes fashion, that this is all they need, to fool themselves into thinking that they have finally escaped the torment of rejection when all they've really done is give up on the ladder of self-improvement. As for the rest of humanity, sex bots should carry a stigma. They are only for those types of people who wish to eat steak, but cannot afford it, so they chew soggy carboard dipped in artificial beef broth.
Any normal person would not entertain the use of a costly and impossible to hide sex robot over just going out and seeking real women. It is just not worth the cost or shame. The creepiness of a semi lifelike doll would put most people off even trying to screw it.


Any normal person would not entertain the use of a costly and impossible to hide sex robot over just going out and seeking real women. It is just not worth the cost or shame. The creepiness of a semi lifelike doll would put most people off even trying to screw it.

Ay, wait till you see a demure-looking robot maid.


Any normal person would not entertain the use of a costly and impossible to hide sex robot over just going out and seeking real women. It is just not worth the cost or shame. The creepiness of a semi lifelike doll would put most people off even trying to screw it.
That's my take on it and I hope it remains true. I'm arguing against the notion that some people have put forth it should be somehow normalized in the future.


Registered Member
Having children heavily gimps the social life and hurts the career progress of women. So many of them leave to their 30s for some financial and career stability before trying for children. As women age, there is an increasingly risk of birth defects and complications, men also are often less fertile. Men and women are wasting their youth working instead of fucking and having babies. The easiest solution is to promote teenage pregnancies. Teenagers are morons and often horny. They do not need any kind of government payout to have sex, and can be relied on to make dumb decisions that are individually suboptimal but better for society at large.

If you want a slightly more eugenist scheme, you can instead encourage pregnancies at universities. Getting into a university indicates an above average intellect. Parenthood can be a bonding experience for the students, and university dorms can centralize 坐月 and childcare facilities, making parenthood much less disruptive to their education and lifestyle.

Generally, the first child is going to be the most disruptive to your life. For large families, a 6th child probably doesn't disrupt more than the 5th child did, financial conditions permitting. It might be practical to pay a smaller number of healthy high IQ women to pump out a dozen babies to compensate for the lower overall fertility rate.
Pro family values need to be taught and passed down within families. This is the best and most reliable way to ensure a healthy society.
Encouraging teenage births is, with due respect, downright retarded. It is the best way to turn a country into India - high but low quality population.


Registered Member
Ay, wait till you see a demure-looking robot maid.
I can pick up a cougar for the price of the time invested in building the relationship, whereas a doll would cost at least in the high hundreds of dollars, the performance would be shocking and you get nothing else out of it. You can't even sell it afterwards. I call that a totally losing proposition


Registered Member
Having children heavily gimps the social life and hurts the career progress of women. So many of them leave to their 30s for some financial and career stability before trying for children. As women age, there is an increasingly risk of birth defects and complications, men also are often less fertile. Men and women are wasting their youth working instead of fucking and having babies. The easiest solution is to promote teenage pregnancies. Teenagers are morons and often horny. They do not need any kind of government payout to have sex, and can be relied on to make dumb decisions that are individually suboptimal but better for society at large.

If you want a slightly more eugenist scheme, you can instead encourage pregnancies at universities. Getting into a university indicates an above average intellect. Parenthood can be a bonding experience for the students, and university dorms can centralize 坐月 and childcare facilities, making parenthood much less disruptive to their education and lifestyle.

Generally, the first child is going to be the most disruptive to your life. For large families, a 6th child probably doesn't disrupt more than the 5th child did, financial conditions permitting. It might be practical to pay a smaller number of healthy high IQ women to pump out a dozen babies to compensate for the lower overall fertility rate.
solution: make social life and career for married women with children better and properly recognize them as a legally protected minority.

SOEs can open mother's clubs or mandate that motherhood be included as part of educational and corporate DEI just like how ethnic minorities get advantages in gaokao.

If they want to be THAT career oriented and THAT materialistic, then tie their careers and salaries to having kids.


Another ten years, and maybe a robot can do all the household chores and babysit the children, and the creches will suffer an implosion, clean up after them, tutor them, and protect the home. That could be the revolution of our time. Couples have the time to make babies, develop their careers, and enjoy life at the same time.


Senior Member
Well the general consensus is that hard power gives rise to soft power
Yeah, glad we've at least got that settled lol. I mean, just look at people's taste over the years, what's considered beautiful (pale skin, tanned skin, chubby, skinny, colorful clothing, neutral clothing, etc.), it's constantly changing. Hard power is what begets soft power. That's why two of richest cultures in the world in India and China until recently have only been able to produce a Crouching Tiger here and a Slumdog Millionaire there.