I understand CERN is world-renowned high-energy particle physics experiment and research center, but he is talking about semiconductor supply chain. Did I miss anything?
semiconductor supply chains depend on research in optical physics , materials sciences, Lasers, chemicals, helium gas.
You are assuming the physicists working in CERN is there only research work rest of there life? Its function is Fundamental research in Nuclear but its more of collaboration tool of Euro Area scientists.
The creation of WWW (World Wide Web) at CERN. despite East-West divide CERN Scientist hold Vodka in 1950s. there was East German branch of Carl Zeiss. that built by Soviets. there is whole history behind it for development EUVL based on Soviet and Russian theoretical foundation. Every big project today in Russia contributing towards creating semiconductor supply chain.
Helium is part of medical gas mixtures, artificial air for both divers and cosmonauts; it is also used in magnetic resonance imaging, to make computer chips, optical fibre cables, LCD screens and so forth.
The point again is about semiconductor supply chain. Netherlands has ASML, which is obviously very sophisticated, but still a niche. German has Infineon which is very strong in automotive semiconductor, but hardly as cutting-edge as TSMC and Samsung in semiconductor manufacturing. EU and Russia are very sophisticated in many other things, sure. Maybe you want to elaborate a little bit, because I'm not aware that EU and Russia are strong players in semiconductor supply chain, at least compared with East Asia and the US.
Europe also has STMicro, NXP, Bosch among the big one. These are processing firms they dont have the science behind production equipment, lasers, gases.
EU is ideologically opposed to China. Russia is opposed to Japan. This make Korea a default winner for next couple of years.
South Korea has announced $450B spending. that is more than Taiwan/Japan/US combined.
Samsung Russia office has put this presentation. it is more to show audience the Samsung work environment and the direction to attract the best ones. and i am sure some one decide to make it public.
Korean brand Autos , Cellular phones, Appliances are popular in Europe and Russia.
Since they already popular why not expand collaboration with them and make them cheaper. by completely banish competition from Japan/Taiwan. Russia has done all it can to encourage Chinese exports to EU. I am not saying China cannot take advantage of this situation. but Europe already spending alot on semiconductor and now Korean have all the money to spend. so there is very little incentive for monopoly like ASML to sell to China. It is European problem to get clearance for ASML tech from US to sell to China. China lack of will or ability to turn the screws on EU led to this situation
Nord Stream completed. with upfront construction costs paid along with Russian ships to complete it. now to compensate for delay launch. Russia multiplied energy prices by 6 for the rest. so example is set for noncooperative attitude.
EU most of time not realize the tech, minerals, Fertilizers for food and energy are all Russian. where is Japan in it?