@tokenanalyst Bro another one from Lingbo Weibu, never heard this company, but having achieved a breakthrough what more of other unknown Chinese tech company.
353 views34 minutes a
You know brother, I had this thought right now.
We kind know it's over. It is not over officially, but it seems inevitable.
Full domestication of 28nm and 14nm at hand, and EUVL coming too.
It is happening too fast. It is China speed. The competitors cannot move that fast. They are standing still compared to China speed.
We know the news today. Meng Wanzhou got released, without much conditions, and no admission of actual guilt on anything. What is the point? Gee, how long was that court case? It was over 1000 days, that is 3 years almost!
How far did China go and Huawei go in 2 years in this tech war?
My god, it is that bad ass. China speed use to be only regarding construction, and factory production. Now it is going up market straight into R&D then quick application followed by commercialization.
Imagine another court case against Huawei somewhere started by the Americans. This lawfare has no chance against China speed.
By the time the lawyers finish arguing, what they were arguing about would be obsolete or irrelevant due to China speed.
Once this Chinese EUVL comes closer to production, it will shatter the entire IC industry worldwide, some friends and enemies will be gone forever.
No one is prepared for that. Not even the Chinese.
That is what they say in sports, speed kills.
And China has China speed.
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