Now this is a very interesting discussion.
@BoraTas, where are the values for the surface roughness of the optics coming from? I couldn't find them in the links you provided. A parameter I ran into in my casual reading about EUV optics is "mirror wavefront aberration" - and that usually given as RMS (I believe that means root mean square). Do you know how that relates to the measures you're using?
There seems to be a critical value for that parameter which is λ/30 where λ is the wavelength of light (13.5nm in the case of EUV). The value for a full-fat EUV (below 7nm) is 0.45nm RMS. CIOMP demonstrated a 0.75nm RMS machine in 2017, which can do features 22nm-32nm.
I think the best means we have of broadly estimating progress without getting too deep into the technical weeds is comparing milestones. ASML had similar machines to the CIOMP demonstrator in 2013, so it's roughly 4 years ahead of China. Since it delivered the EUV to TSMC in 2019, we can extrapolate a 2023-2024 delivery date for a device similar to the NXE3400 in China. This matches up nicely with the estimates we have.