LOL, they have no alternative. China is still buying hordes of American ICs.
LOL, CPI on a 2019-2021 CAGR basis is fine. Imports from China are what, 3% of US GDP (?). The stimulus was spent in the United States, most consumer spending is on non-traded services
Yeah, who won? Afghanistan economic growth has been far slower than the United States.
The United States can still ride out its hegemony by starting a war in the Taiwan Straits and denying China access to technology intermedaries or stopping trade (since China exports more), and thus making sure that China has a demographic crisis and will never surpass the US in GDP (esp. since the US is going to brain drain the entire world with millions of migrants while everyone else is in crisis, money print to export inflation to the rest of the world but stimulating employment and growth at home, and improve physical & human capital with community college access/infrastructure/etc). The War over Taiwan will cost China more lives and GDP and birth rates as well as banning China from SWIFT and banning China from trade and forcing other countries to ban China from trade if they want SWIFT access as well as the CIA destabilizng China with their hundreds of thousands of agents