Chinese semiconductor industry

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More people are probably more concerned with storage size than processing speed, unless they are using it for gaming.
For me its the camera, especially because I like to travel. Performance hasn't been a issue for a almost a decade for my usage.
Just look what google got out of old hardware with the pixel 5 hardware and their software optimization.


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There is Wassenaar Arrangement that US can use to prevent China from obtaining such components including light source etc, so it is not about competitive market force anymore. If the coverage still not include these items now, it could be, by US intention to thwart China. So funding alone won't be enough.

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The "keep China down agreement", the agreement that prevents the Chinese from acquiring the technology they need to move up in the technology chain, but at the same time allows the sale of the equipment and software it already produces to stifle local competition.
The lithography machines they reduced them from 250nm to 180nm to 65nm finally to 45nm, each time the SMEE and others capabilities increased. When SMEE brings out their 28nm machine, guess what? I guess they're going to reduce it to just EUV.
Etching machines are no more because AMEC and Naura produce equipment of the same quality.
They added nanoimprint lithography machines because they still don't know that China already has the capability to produce them.

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Their trick is to prevent them from developing technologically and at the same time stifle local competition. They did the same in Russia and Latin America. Kudos to the CCP for tackling this trend, even if fighting against the current because local companies prefer to remain dependent and earn a easy money.


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China's securities regulator has approved the IPO of ACM Research (Shanghai), Inc. on the STAR market.

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The company, a supplier of wafer cleaning technologies for advanced semiconductor devices, will be listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange's sci-tech innovation board, commonly known as the STAR market, according to the China Securities Regulatory Commission.


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More people are probably more concerned with storage size than processing speed, unless they are using it for gaming.
Agree entirely. I still use a 7 year old pc which satisfies all my needs. What I really want is more cloud storage space and good upload and download speeds.

I think Huawei could give a generous cloud space to all who bought their phone. A few years ago, I bought a Samsung phone (about 5 years old now and fully coping with my needs) and Samsung offered a 200 GB cloud space for one year.

Many companies offer generous cloud storage for free despite NOT trying to sell a smart phone. offers up to 500GB free storage (I love it). offered 50GB free cloud storage (reduced now for new entrants but I still use three accounts with 50GB free - 150GB combined, etc.... etc.... etc...

Another thing which I think is very important is camera. Huawei had an excellent partnership with Leica with fabulous cameras. Hard to beat a Leica.

Unless you are a serious game addict much higher clock speed is not THAT important.

CLOUD STORAGE, top notch camera and a good app store could mean a lot.

Another thing, is the speed with which you down and upload usign wifi. I don't know how much it depends on radio frequency or on processor speed, but it is something which I would rank very high up in my list.
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Funding is one variable, there is other important variables: talents and accumulated experience, for these area ASML win, SMEE/other Chinese vendor still need to accumulate these.
China can flood SMEE with unlimited funds but the bottle neck to race with ASML will be the talent and accumulated experience that can't be equated by China at this moment.

The fact it is only ASML alone that can offer EUV Lithography after 35 years research talk much about the difficulty.
ASML is the only one that got to market with an EUV instrument. That doesn’t mean they’re the only one who know how to build one.


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I don't see a reason for China to take such a tolerant attitude toward this. There are many ways to retaliate both symmetrically and asymmetrically, and that's considering only the economic sphere. There are also crazier ways of retaliation, like the PLA Rocket Force getting involved in the "analytical deconstruction" of the Taiwanese semiconductor industry.

If you think that's extreme, like you said this is a war. Your enemy should never get too comfortable with your rationality and sanity in a war.

Like you said, it's a crazier form of retaliation.

The possibility of it is not zero but I think the use of military force in that context is so low that it is not useful to consider as part of that discussion.


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Definitely on the crazier side. Though, I think it's universally agreed that a blanket ban on semiconductors would further incentivize, if not trigger, a future reunification through force.

PLA may not even need to destroy the fabs themselves, if the rumors about TSMC destroying its factories upon capture are true.


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Processor performance is not even in the top 5 when it comes to consumer priorities.
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More than half of the people don't even desire more performance and only 25% of people are frustrated with the speed of their phone.

The top 5 uses of a smartphone are texting, social media, phone calls, watching videos and web surfing. These five collectively make more than 75% of what people spend time with while using their smartphones. None of these depend on processor performance. Huawei can still be competitive while being 4 generations (approximately 70% performance difference) behind. They need to get their application ecosystem sorted though. That is much more important.

For me the number 1 factor in the smartphone is battery life and durability and mi xiaomi mi a2 lite that i have from 3 years is perfectly fit.
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