Money for EUV research need not come from chip sales to China. Through govt grants it can come from any source of revenue, including exports of other goods to China. Does this mean China should stop all trade to anyone involved with the EUV supply chain? Of course not.
The only thing China has full control over is its own progress on EUV.
Why don't convince your government to let Huawei telecom stay instead of rid them!
That's pretty hypocritical just ask China to show generosity without giving something in return.
Both Korea and Taiwan don't use any China telecom equipments. China doesn't need to show any good wills to them.
China can control how to spend its own money.
Like full blockage of Australian goods.
Huawei telecom gears is the litmus test. Any country don't use Huawei is basically antiChina.
Korea, Taiwan and US don't use Huawei gears. They are antiChina.
Samsung, hynix, tsmc , Intel fabs can be taken down in China.
All those talks are BS if the Huawei litmus test not passed
Germany and France are cool because they allow Huawei telecom gears.
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