Chinese semiconductor industry

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“We need different tools,” she told a Senate Commerce Committee hearing. “We need additional resources around enforcement.”
That's what all bureaucrats always say: "we need more resources and more power because what we do is critical". No bureaucrat will ever admit that what they do is pointless and waste of resources at best and actually harmful to the public interest at worst.

It is no surprise that US commerce and trade officials are always in favor of more restrictions on commerce and trade. Restrictions on commerce and trade give these bureaucrats great power over businesses who now need to bribe lobby the bureaucrats for export licenses and import tariff exemptions, so it is very much in the bureaucrats' self-interest to push for more wide-ranging restrictions even when it has become obvious that the restrictions are actually bringing closer to reality what the US feared the most.
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I did watch the video, but I will admit 2 things here.
1. I do not really understand mandarin (crucify me, but that was the era I was raised in)
2. I try my best to read the subtitles, but my Chinese literacy is not great either. I skipped to the mPen, gaming performance, and display features.

I’m getting the sense that you are annoyed because of all the consumer facing features he brought out (ie HDR, gaming performance) are not so useful for a server, but I keep pushing that business. (ie. You think I am ignoring the work they are putting into these "consumer" features)

That being said I think we are on two different wavelengths here. I am not trying to create a quarrel or anything, certainly I have no insider information, just presenting some other perspective/point of view in the hopes for furthering discussion for everyone.

Again, I’m not saying they won’t develop GPU (just the opposite, they definitely will have and need a great GPU in the future) or have any consumer facing applications, just some of my feelings towards how things will develop.

They will still need a powerful GPU, why? Because they are actively developing HarmonyOS with in house kernel. Any modern OS will need a strong graphics layer using GPU acceleration to provide a smooth interface (yes I did see those mPen effects, which are an obvious appliction of GPU rendering). This is obvious for Phones/PC, but can't be overlooked for automobile applications as Huawei moves into that (think of how annoying slow scrolling maps are, or waiting for the climate control screen to show up). Other areas of growing importance, smart TV/entertainment, customer payment/service kiosks, digital signage, all can use a SoC with integrated modem to enable remote applications and strong GPU to provide better customer experience.

All that said, I still stand by my point that a *discrete* GPU for consumers is probably something that Huawei is not heavily leaning into.

Pulling out all the stops to have the best product, but if you are losing 25% battery life (to make space for cooling), then do you really have the best product?

Another consideration, is there enough capacity to fab both CPU and GPU at 7nm? If this capacity doesn’t exist, then discrete GPUs in these applications becomes moot.

Huawei held their cards until Mate 60, so I would say yes, they are willing to cede market share than put out crap. If they unleash a flood of crap, their name would be ruined. The Mate 60 showed that their technical excellence can overcome obstacles put into place by the most vindictive government on the planet. I don't think they would accept crap battery life or an ugly form factor to accommodate a discrete GPU. If that is the only way for the near future, then I imagine they will look into exotic cooling or improved battery chemistry/packaging. Which breakthroughs will come first? (I honestly think fabrication would be)

I think you missed by point on Kaby Lake-G. Kaby Lake-G was on 14nm+ (the first of many Intel pluses before it became a joke). My point is actually that Huawei doesn't need top performance or discrete GPU performance for laptops because most people don't need/care about it, and therefore won't pay for it. They could probably make a Kaby Lake-G type chip at this point with 7nm and probably have at least good 1080p gaming performance, but is there a market for this? Chinese gamers that are highly patriotic, but don't want the highest performance possible? Also, don't forget the history of Kaby Lake-G, it was a last ditch attempt to keep Apple with Intel, by boosting up GPU performance while keeping within the 65W TDP of the MacBook Pro (released 2018). In the end, Apple never went for it, because they had M-series around the corner (released 2020).

Conversely, what is the market for a Huawei business laptop with fully integrated 5G modem for always on connectivity and just good enough GPU to provide a smooth user interface?

I hope this is constructive discussion for everyone.
I'm annoyed because you are commenting on an issue without first having looked through all of the effort Huawei has put in to push out the best possible product. The Hisilicon team is working really hard to patch up an obvious flaw in K9000S, but it's hard to do so.

And my point goes beyond gaming. It's about graphic rendering in general. A GPU focused on graphic rendering will reduce the resources needed to do the same by CPU. Why else would companies invest in designing chips that decodes videos and such.

Using Apple is not a great example, since Huawei is in a different league. Huawei cannot possibly take it easy like Apple and just buy 5G modem off someone else. It cannot rely on access to the latest TSMC technology. It cannot rely on being the first to have its own mobile ecosystem and having a fanboy following due to Steve Jobs. It won't have access to Intel CPU or Nvidia GPU for its PC product line going forward. Huawei has to be best at everything to win in that critical hi end market share.

That's why when you see huawei in its product unveiling, it always says "way way ahead" for everything it presents. It's entire branding is "we are way more technologically advanced than you in everything"

So yeah, Huawei will pull all the stops to push out the best product. Whether that includes putting a standalone GPU on tablet, that remains to be seen. But if Huawei thinks it need to be the best at showing videos (it uses HDR Vivid technology, much better than 1080p by other tablets) and getting there requires a much larger GPU presence on SoC or a standalone GPU, it will do so.

K9000S is a good first step, but it cannot be the solution to all of its lineup. It will need more separate chipset solutions for its laptop and tablet product line.

Take a look at what Huawei is pitching and think about what it needs to do to get there


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Minister for Finance 王美花 said the sewage and environment protection systems were built by Taiwan companies.


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Minister for Finance 王美花 said the sewage and environment protection systems were built by Taiwan companies.


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Just goes to show that the Mainlanders need help even with low tech stuff like wastewater treatment. How could they have achieved anything advanced without covert Taiwanese assistance. Don’t call off those bombers just yet Joe Biden.

In other news.

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This is the key technology for etching smaller features with multipatterning

Development and challenges of key lithography alignment technologies​

With the rapid development of the semiconductor industry, the feature dimensions of photolithography processes in integrated circuit manufacturing are shrinking to the extreme, and the requirements for overlay accuracy are becoming increasingly stringent. Based on the core technology that affects overlay accuracy, namely alignment technology, this article conducts an inductive analysis of the design of precision measurement sensing systems and the design of alignment marks for micro-nano measurement objects in this technology. It is used by top international technology companies in the industry. The technological developments of the above are sorted out, and the role they play in promoting the evolution of the alignment measurement technology path is introduced in detail. At the same time, the latest research results of relevant domestic technical teams in this direction are also summarized. Based on this, the improvement direction and optimization ideas of photolithography alignment technology for more advanced process nodes are further discussed, thereby providing important technical reference for obtaining higher-precision overlay performance.

Besides the above international giants, we also investigate the domestic teams who are actively exploring alignment improvements. Shanghai Micro Electronics Equipment (Group) Co., Ltd. (SMEE) proposed multi-grating marks with large and small periods for coarse and fine alignment.
Institute of Optoelectronics Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IOE) conducted an overlapped grating equivalent comparing with the transmission type.

Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT) put forward a multi-channel and multi-order grating interferometry for stable position measurement and alignment.
Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (SIOM) proposed Moiré fringes to enhance the detection sensitivity.
Image processing methods were employed to avoid motion errors. Institute of Microelectronics,Chinese Academy of Sciences (IME) proposed a mark design method that makes zero and even order diffraction automatically miss while the diffraction efficiency of higher odd orders was enhanced. The team also provided a depolarizer-compensation method based on an optimized reflective film layer. Additionally , they investigated the effect of mark asymmetry and proposed a weighted optimization for different diffraction orders.


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Atomic layer etching process condition determining method, reaction chamber and equipment​


The invention provides a method for determining atomic layer etching process conditions, a reaction chamber and equipment, and relates to the technical field of semiconductors. The atomic layer etching process condition determining method comprises the following steps: acquiring a plurality of groups of process data corresponding to actual process steps in the atomic layer etching process, and storing the plurality of groups of process data to form a database, wherein each group of process data comprises one-to-one corresponding actual process conditions, actual etching quantity and actual spectrum intensity corresponding to preset wavelength of a reaction medium; and determining target process conditions according to the target etching amount required by the target process step, the actual etching amount and the actual spectrum intensity in the database, wherein the target process conditions are selected from a plurality of groups of process data in the database. The target process conditions determined by the determination method can enable the activation step in the atomic layer etching process to obtain a saturated atomic activation layer, so that the etching uniformity is ensured; and the etching quantity with higher accuracy can be obtained in the removing step.​


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