Chinese semiconductor industry

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Eight years ago was 2015. Pretty sure Iphone 6 used 20nm process for SOC.
Yea, should be iPhone 11 (2019) for a 7nm process. iPhone XS (2018) for the non-standard form factors.
Of course the A12 and A13 Bionic chips are nowhere near the performance of a Snapdragon 888 which is already slightly worse than a 9000s.

The coping continues.


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Spy: Mr. Sullivan, I have some good news and some bad news.

Jake Sullivan: I’ve had my share of bad news already. Tell me the good news.

Spy: Kirin 9000S is not fabbed at SMIC.

Jake Sullivan: I knew the Chinese couldn’t make a breakthrough and probably had to bypass sanctions. What’s the bad news?

Spy: bad news is that it is fabbed in house.


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View attachment 118628

Spy: Mr. Sullivan, I have some good news and some bad news.

Jake Sullivan: I’ve had my share of bad news already. Tell me the good news.

Spy: Kirin 9000S is not fabbed at SMIC.

Jake Sullivan: I knew the Chinese couldn’t make a breakthrough and probably had to bypass sanctions. What’s the bad news?

Spy: bad news is that it is fabbed in house.
sorry, where is your proof Kirin-9000S is not fabbed at SMIC?


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Look again. It specifically says Kirin 9000S is representative of Dongguan’s smart manufacturing.
again, it's not fabbed there. Once you have the die, you still need to package and test it.

Do a little calculation. How many ASML machines do you need to fab the amount of chips Huawei would need? What about other equipments?

I understand people are excited about this chip, but let's again not blow Huawei out of proportion

I will say this again. I have sources that are outside of this forum!
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