Chinese semiconductor industry

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CIOMP is a great institution. Look at 2 of their commercial subsidiaries.

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They’ve been great for military adjacent and state support heavy industries. When I mean commercial I mean industries that have to answer to stronger market imperatives. I think semis is kind of sitting in the middle of that distinction right now but it will move more and more toward the latter as it matures.


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1. Some Western outlets, including BBC, still have not reported on the story. NYTimes wrote a minor story that got relegated to the side mentions.

They are waiting for indications from Washington. Still no clear message from above, so they don't know if attack or ignore.

As soon as they will get the line, they will proceed accordingly.

They’ve been great for military adjacent and state support heavy industries. When I mean commercial I mean industries that have to answer to stronger market imperatives. I think semis is kind of sitting in the middle of that distinction right now but it will move more and more toward the latter as it matures.

Now that Huawei re-entered the battlefield in great style, this will have an indirect but very deep impact on all China semiconductor ecosystem. Huawei will push suppliers, and indirectly, suppliers of suppliers, and so on until the last researcher in the most obscure state lab.

Regarding the right commercial attitude, none can teach anything to Huawei, they are absolute number one for aggressiveness and determination on the market. They will pull all China ecosystem with them.

If you think about Mate 60 launch, with all its long list of Chinese suppliers, the hidden effect, and for me the most important and strategical sensible, is exactly this, push Chinese suppliers to side with Huawei even (or maybe with the secret real goal) that all suppliers end up in the US entity list, so that is no more US vs Huawei, but US vs China.

That's why I feel all this has been orchestrated, and maybe this is the reason US is now unusually cautious on how to proceed....they sense the trap, but I guess at the end their instinct will prevail, as it has always been, and they will retaliate hard.


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I’m really curious in these numbers - what is the expected capacity at SMSC? What does every additional DUV bought from ASML translate into from a capacity point of view?

I am wondering what the fab math will look like, in order to hit that 150k wpm.
these things don't happen overnight. Pump the brakes a little bit. You need investments, a lot of it.
They’ve been great for military adjacent and state support heavy industries. When I mean commercial I mean industries that have to answer to stronger market imperatives. I think semis is kind of sitting in the middle of that distinction right now but it will move more and more toward the latter as it matures.
so rumor mill from a year ago had it that both CIOMP & SIOM are assembling EUVs. It does seem like Huawei is involved in some form. It maybe possible the huawei people aren't impressed with CIOMP. but in terms of patent, definitely seems like SIOM is ahead here.

SSMB is definitely a thing, but how good and how long it will take is a big question. Again, I would caution to not believe things on twitter and also keep things quiet on twitter on this topic.


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so i heard apparently CIOMP is not great institution

I looked back on all the images i collected on EUVs

I see at least 4 patents from SIOM and nothing from CIOMP

The only thing i see from CIOMP is that CAS visit.

@tokenanalyst do you know what I mean?

something fishy about SIOM in so many patents, but CIOMP building prototype?
They have 80 patents with EUV or extreme ultraviolet lithography tag, with applications mostly in mirror fabrication, high power lasers, mirror cleaning and so on.

There are many more institutions in this project apart from CIOM and SIOM, that include Hangzhou, Tongji, Tsinghua, Beijing institute of technology and others. CIOMP is doing the optics like the projection objective, the collector mirrors and others, they succeed in creating a projection objective with a NA of 0.33. SIOM is creating the Masks, the vacuum, EUV metrology.

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The context should bw how much of the supply chain got built up.

If you just think about all the chips/sensors in a phone. If this is built up locally, then what about your other consumer electronics like DJI drones, smart watches, iRobot, ear buds and everything else

Screen Shot 2023-09-11 at 8.34.45 AM.png
screens, glass covers, len sensors, optical modules, battery materials, finger prints, 5G satcom, phone material

to see this by end of the year.

Just remember, all these suppliers are new players and will use domestic fabless and likely have their chips fabbed at SMIC
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