Chinese semiconductor industry

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The questions are:
1. Can/do they really ban it?
2. How much percentage can China be independent in legacy chip production? If China really relies on the West in legacy chip production and, one day, they ban it, China will be difficult even in EV production.
3. Is EV the main target that they aim at?
Chinese companies have a completed 28nm supply chain, especially once SMEE delivers its commercial machine. The main thing to focus on now is ramping up the necessary production.


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The questions are:
1. Can/do they really ban it?
2. How much percentage can China be independent in legacy chip production? If China really relies on the West in legacy chip production and, one day, they ban it, China will be difficult even in EV production.
3. Is EV the main target that they aim at?

Yellen said that the US only curb China chip at 14nm and lower, looks like her words sound like sh*t!
This article reads like fearmongering to elicit more subsidies for legacy nodes fab investments.

For reference, the same article cites China is building 26 fabs in legacy nodes, whereas Americas is building "only 16 fabs". That's nowhere near the domination as the title suggests, as that's only a 60:40 ratio... hardly domination. The whole article is an exaggeration.

So someone wants to exaggerate China's advances to elicit more US funding for legacy node investment. I wonder if it's possible to tariff Chinese semiconductors at legacy nodes?


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This article reads like fearmongering to elicit more subsidies for legacy nodes fab investments.

For reference, the same article cites China is building 26 fabs in legacy nodes, whereas Americas is building "only 16 fabs". That's nowhere near the domination as the title suggests, as that's only a 60:40 ratio... hardly domination. The whole article is an exaggeration.

So someone wants to exaggerate China's advances to elicit more US funding for legacy node investment. I wonder if it's possible to tariff Chinese semiconductors at legacy nodes?
Bro its the other way around, how many FABS can produced chips at 7nm, only 2 TSMC and Samsung, next year you may include SMIC, all of them are Asian, that's the worry. Even if the US can harvest their 5nm tech the innovating center are still located in East Asia.

Now IF China flooded the market with 14nm and above chip how can the Collective West compete? only Intel if they successfully stole TSMC (which I doubt) 7nm and 5nm tech. Cost wise they price themselves out of the market if they insist on onshoring their production in the US.


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How does Memsonics stack up against these two ?

Huntersun : BAW filter shipments exceeded 100 million pieces
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Huntersun's BAW filter shipments already exceed 100 million back in 2021,and we are in 2023 now

Epicmems launched the "Phoenix Sili-ALL" brand, realizing the breakthrough of the first local self-developed highly integrated (L)-PAMiD module chip
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There is an article about Epicmems and memsonics here
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Looks like Epicmems actually attempts to cover a wider area since they want to develop their own L-PAMiD module, but putting it in production is a different issue. The rumor is that silex will be producing it for them when things are ready. But we are not there yet.

Keep in mind that Memsonics actually partnered up with silex as early as 2 years ago. It's taken them this long to get the production line setup and then do low rate production and now mass production. Their product has now been tested and proven to be competitive. The yield of production line also likely to be good. Epicmems can advertise products but it still needs to be proven

As for 汉天下, have you seen anything from them in the past year? Not much. 100 million is really nothing. Who is fabbing for them? Are they an IDM? if they are, what does their MEMS yield look like. Have they found customers that are happy with their product?

There are probably reasons why we haven't seen them raise production

SMECS is creating a 100k 12-inch wpm MEMS fab over next 3 years
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so there will be more options for fabless companies to get their chips produced. Let's see who they pair up with

SMECS apparently setup a BAW production line back almost 2 years ago
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but where is that right now? Who are they fabbing for? There are important questions to be asked

Memsonics is only a big deal now because their product is getting accepted by a lot of customers


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Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications: Gallium Oxide Material Growth and Array Detector Research.​

the scientific research team of Nanyou Gallium Oxide Semiconductor Innovation Center (IC-GAO) realized Ga 2 O 3 epitaxial growth in 2014 , developed the first GAO-based sun-blind ultraviolet detector prototype device, and published the first academic paper. In 2016, Ga 2 O 3 has become one of the active scientific research topics of BUPT. In 2017, obtained 2-inch high-quality epitaxy, developed the first sun-blind ultraviolet detection array device, became the most active research group in the field of gallium oxide, and established Beijing Gallium Group Technology Co., Ltd. to embark on the road of industrialization practice. In 2018, it undertook the key research and development plan of the Beijing Science and Technology Commission, breaking through the 3-inch crystal and epitaxy technology. Breakthrough in 2-4 inch single crystal growth and epitaxy technology. 2-inch single crystal substrates and epitaxial wafers are available in small batches. Realize the array of 16×16 photodetection devices. In 2023, the A round of financing will be completed at 65 million yuan, with a valuation of 250

Gallium Oxide Material Growth and Array Detector Research​


research progress and achievements of thin film CVD growth, array detectors and applications.​


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Huahai Qingke (HAWTSING) CMP equipment meticulously carves out business growth in new fields​

Technical support from the National Key Laboratory, leading CMP technology in China: the company cooperates deeply with the National Key Laboratory of Tribology of Tsinghua University to carry out forward-looking research on CMP, and introduces excellent scientific research personnel, with rich reserves of theory, technology and talents. The company has mastered many core technologies such as nano-precision polishing, nano-particle ultra-clean cleaning, nano-film thickness online detection, big data analysis and intelligent control, and has achieved a firm domestic leading position in the field of CMP equipment.

  There is still a huge space for import substitution of CMP equipment: In addition to the front-end manufacturing of integrated circuits, CMP equipment is also used in advanced packaging and silicon wafer manufacturing. According to Chinese customs data, in 2022, the import value of CMP equipment in mainland China will still be as high as 621 million US dollars, with the United States and Japan accounting for a large proportion, and the dependence on foreign countries is still serious.

  Looking forward to the future, the upgrading of integrated circuit manufacturing processes will drive the number of CMP processes to continue to rise; advanced packaging will increase the demand for thinning and polishing equipment, and the scale of CMP equipment market demand is expected to continue to expand.

  The customer resources of domestic fabs are stable, and the layout of thinning machines focuses on advanced packaging: the company's CMP equipment has entered the production lines of well-known customers such as SMIC, Changcun, Huahong, and Changxin; the technical level has broken through to 14nm, 128+ layers (NAND), 1X/1Ynm grade. In May 2023, the all-in-one machine for ultra-precision grinding, thinning, polishing, and cleaning developed by the company for the 3D IC field has been sent to leading integrated circuit companies.

  Wafer regeneration and doping, wet method, and measurement equipment are expected to open a new growth curve: the company focuses on the core product CMP polishing equipment, and vigorously develops supporting wet method equipment, film thickness measurement equipment, polishing head consumables, wafer regeneration and other businesses, which are expected to Open up new growth points.

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Looks like Epicmems actually attempts to cover a wider area since they want to develop their own L-PAMiD module, but putting it in production is a different issue. The rumor is that silex will be producing it for them when things are ready. But we are not there yet.

Epicmems was working with domestic MEMS fab,and build the first domestic 8 inch BAW filter production line way back in 2018. I don't think Silex had any MEMS fab in China back then,so Epicmems's filter is apparently not fabbed by Silex.

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开元通信与国内领先的MEMS代工厂进行了深度战略合作,于2018年10月建成了本土唯一的8英寸 BAW量产线。

Silex also indirectly admitted that they are not fabing for Epicmems

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问:你好!看到开元通信发布的Sili-BAW Pro新一代体声波滤波器产品是贵公司代工的吗?

Keep in mind that Memsonics actually partnered up with silex as early as 2 years ago. It's taken them this long to get the production line setup and then do low rate production and now mass production. Their product has now been tested and proven to be competitive. The yield of production line also likely to be good. Epicmems can advertise products but it still needs to be proven

As mentioned above,Memsonics and Silex is the later comer,they just complete 8 inch BAW filter production line now,which was done by somebody else in China 5 years ago.

As for 汉天下, have you seen anything from them in the past year? Not much. 100 million is really nothing. Who is fabbing for them? Are they an IDM? if they are, what does their MEMS yield look like. Have they found customers that are happy with their product?

There are probably reasons why we haven't seen them raise production

They are IDM+outsource,and they are raising production for sure. They have a fab in SuZhou,with a production capacity of 960 million/per year,phase two will double that capacity

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They were the one undertake 02 project MEMS filter development. That's a indication of their strong position in China's MEMS filter sector

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More on RF chips
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从需求端来看,作为全球智能手机龙头厂商,三星电子行动事业部副总裁Daniel Araujo指出,受全球景气放缓、通膨和地缘政治紧张局势影响,智能手机市场预估将在2023年呈现萎缩、大众款式将首当其冲。









早在2017年,三安集成就开始投入对滤波器的器件研发和制造,并在2020年正式得以突破。无独有偶,稳懋总经理陈国桦也在近期法说会上透露,经过多年努力,开始以协助客户强化产品竞争力的角度切入,搭配既有产品提供客户滤波器(Filter)代工服务,包含自行研发的 SAW/BAW 等,并已达稍具量产的规模。此外,环宇也通过投资晶成半导体和常州承芯进军了滤波器市场。

so the only major fabs that can do MEMS chip are Silex & SMIC Ningbo. Sanan is getting involved too, but they are mostly SAW iirc. the top domestic RF component producers are Vanchip, Maxscend, Onmicro and a few others. It's a lot easier to competitve in PA & LNA than filters due to the Ga advantage.

but in order for RF filters to advance, the fabs themselves have to be able to fab the MEMS chips in question

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by Q1 of last year. looks like they were already 10% by then. Should be higher now i would imagine

What other players are there?
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Looks like SMIC Ningbo tried to mass produce for 新声半导体(or Newsonic)

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Looks like they formed in 2021 & got additional funding in Feb with SMIC investing in them also as part of a 300m RMB round A+ funding round. Their product covers different filters, duplex, TX/RX chips, SOI Switch, LNA and have entered Samsung, Motorola, Xiaomi, Honor & Nokia supply chain. That's quite impressive. Let's keep an eye on this.

Not a lot of info though. Will take a while I guess for production to ramp up

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looks like both SMIC Ningbo & the new SMECS fab will have similar product. which will be good to indicate that domestic RFFE production is going up. But again, need customers and the customers need to enter supply chain. All takes time.

Let's wait and see


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Epicmems was working with domestic MEMS fab,and build the first domestic 8 inch BAW filter production line way back in 2018. I don't think Silex had any MEMS fab in China back then,so Epicmems's filter is apparently not fabbed by Silex.

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Silex also indirectly admitted that they are not fabing for Epicmems

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That's possible, but again there are no news of them actually starting mass production & entering supply chains of phone companies
As mentioned above,Memsonics and Silex is the later comer,they just complete 8 inch BAW filter production line now,which was done by somebody else in China 5 years ago.

They are IDM+outsource,and they are raising production for sure. They have a fab in SuZhou,with a production capacity of 960 million/per year,phase two will double that capacity

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They were the one undertake 02 project MEMS filter development. That's a indication of their strong position in China's MEMS filter sector

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can you find any news about them recently anywhere? If you cannot find news of their progress, that probably means they didn't get anywhere

If these guys actually have a workable solution that's competitive, they'd be used by a whole bunch of domestic smartphone OEMs
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