Chinese semiconductor industry

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View attachment 116713
View attachment 116714

Imagine the frustration in the US semiconductor industry reading something like this, the problem with this people is that they have EUV engraved in their heads, they think that everything is ASML.
Mr. Gregory Allen has an M.B.A. degree and political science undergrad... so zero engineering or semiconductor background. He likely never spoken to a single person from U.S. semiconductor industry, and it really shows through his writing how ignorant he is. Also, the JWST telescope was 900% cost overrun, so that $1 Trillion investment figure should be more like $100 Billion, which is around the sum China is investing into semiconductor industry. So yes, completely doable, Mr. Gregory Allen.


Registered Member
That's not the point that should be made, that concedes EUV to them. The point is China is 80% of the way to the James Webb Space Telescope.
The point is that they are confusing economic convenience with impossibility, difficult maybe but not impossible, a tool validated for a 28nm process is probably just one generation away from being validated for a 7nm process or can even be validated right away. of course was easier and less risky for Chinese companies to go international market and buy from "reputable" companies what they needed than starting a positive feedback loop with local tools and materials providers. These think tankers forget that market share is a measure of reputation and preference than invincibility.

And by the way China is not stranger to complex space programs, ALONE, if they want to go with that analogy.​


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So this article blames China for "decoupling" from the rest of the world for investing in key industrial capabilities and states that Western chip embargoes were in response to China's Made in China 2025 initiative. That's like saying that China should embargo the US every time it tried to move into any industry that China has a presence in. Not to mention the dates given in the article disprove its blame thesis - ie it claims the Japanese and the Dutch fell in line because they realized that China was committed to replacing their equipment and technology, even though this happened in 2019, years after Trump launched his technology war against Huawei and ZTE.

Or in other words, the US attacked China with sanctions, and then when China justifiably responded to those sanctions by investing more in its own capabilities, the US blamed China for "decoupling." This is a classic case of "the American cries out in pain as he strikes you," which we also see reflected in other US actions across the world. Indeed it could be considered the modus operandi of the US in international affairs - manufacturing crises and then punishing countries for responding to them.

Any way, it's attitudes like these among US strategic thinkers that ensure China learns its lesson. Better to wake up now than later about US intentions.
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Lieutenant General
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Rather interesting claims here
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立国芯总经理陈哲松介绍到,该项目拥有由中国科学院院士、微电子学家郝跃博士牵头的一流设计团队,引进了荷兰阿斯麦的设备,目前已攻克了14纳米的GaN小型化供电系统以及SiC芯片,并实现规模量产;此外,立国芯还自主研发了SOT plus工艺,利于高散热高算力的芯片最大化发挥其数据作用。

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i'm not sure if they are conflating things here but this 立国芯 has invested 700 million RMB into 600 machineries that will produc 22.5B chips a year for smart hoe, NEVs & aerospace

More interesting is the talk of 14nm GaN & SiC chips. That seems unlikely

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Maybe it's just saying they produce miniature GaN & SiC chips as well as 14nm chips. I don't know

looks like production started in April
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22.5B year production seems like a lot


all the money in the world can't buy something if it just isn't available. Again, this is only if China is enforcing sanctions completely. Remains to be seen how loosely they grant this.
If China does a total export ban that won’t make Germanium vanish off the face of the Earth though. It will just force other countries to scrounge around for more expensive paths to synthesis.


View attachment 116713
View attachment 116714

Imagine the frustration in the US semiconductor industry reading something like this, the problem with this people is that they have EUV engraved in their heads, they think that everything is ASML.
LMAO imagine thinking the JWST is magic fairy dust technology. Someone maybe should explain to this guy that the reason it’s so “complicated” isn’t because it’s hard to build but because all the parts are custom and it needs to be hyper reliable because you won’t be able to fly out to repair it once it’s out in the Earth-Sun L2 orbit.

That's not the point that should be made, that concedes EUV to them. The point is China is 80% of the way to the James Webb Space Telescope.
No China could build the JWST today. It’s not a complicated piece of technology. It’s just a pain in the ass to QC before launch because you can’t repair it once it’s out in space and it has a lot of fail points with its very flimsy solar shield (needs to be flimsy to be light) so NASA needed to make sure *every* mechanical component worked flawlessly. That’s the only reason it took so long to launch.

Deleted member 24525

One thing I am curious about concerning the xinhua article is the claim that the laser is 10W. People here seem to regard that as a reporting error. I am not familiar with the technology, but is technically possible to do arfi with a laser at that power? If it is, then it may be worth considering if the sources on RSlaser's activities were unreliable.


Registered Member
One thing I am curious about concerning the xinhua article is the claim that the laser is 10W. People here seem to regard that as a reporting error. I am not familiar with the technology, but is technically possible to do arfi with a laser at that power? If it is, then it may be worth considering if the sources on RSlaser's activities were unreliable.
@tokenanalyst has answer this..

I think the name SSA 800/10W is a misnomer because 10W represent the energy output of the laser and for this machine is expected to be like 60W so the machine will be called more like SSA800/60
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