Chinese semiconductor industry

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Lieutenant General
Registered Member
Most fabs being built in China are 28nm or below that. In fact most are not above 55nm.
The US sanctions basically do not apply to these companies. At least not yet.

SMIC had plans to ramp up FinFET capacity. But lack of clients and possible future US sanctions made them change their roadmap to build 28nm instead.
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Senior Member
Registered Member
Most fabs being built in China are 28nm or below that. In fact most aren't above 55nm.
The US sanctions basically do not apply to these companies. At least not yet.

SMIC had plans to ramp up FinFET capacity. But lack of clients and possible future US sanctions made them change their roadmap to build 28nm instead.
Lack of clients? Phytium S5000 and Kunpeng 920a will be announced soon. SMIC FinFET.


Lieutenant General
Registered Member
Lack of clients? Phytium S5000 and Kunpeng 920a will be announced soon. SMIC FinFET.
It is a shame those clients did not order there before they were sanctioned and in turn getting SMIC sanctioned. They were perfectly fine ordering from TSMC in Nanjing or even in Taiwan.


Lieutenant General
Registered Member
I think it is pretty obvious the Chinese government needs to do more to tilt the field in favor of Chinese tool vendors. That is for sure. And the Chinese foundries need to figure out how to do bulk purchases to stimulate Chinese vendors.


Registered Member
I think it is pretty obvious the Chinese government needs to do more to tilt the field in favor of Chinese tool vendors. That is for sure. And the Chinese foundries need to figure out how to do bulk purchases to stimulate Chinese vendors.
Tariffs? I really think tariffs here would work as long as they are carefully set, taking into account domestic tool companies tech level and production capacity.

It wouldn't break WTO rules because they would apply for everyone, not only US companies.

However the tariffs shouldn't be too high. They should give imported tools a sufficient handicap to allow domestic companies to compete, but not to such a level that it would cripple foreign tools competitiveness
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