Chinese semiconductor industry

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the investment in China’s semiconductor projects will reach 1.5 trillion yuan in 2022.
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US has really underestimate China on this one, as poor as previous Chinese generations are, with a group of scientists they are still able to develop a satellite, ICBM and an atomic bomb ( refer to as 2 bombs, one satellite) in the backdrop of Famines nationwide due to cultural revolution. The generation now has armies of scientists and engineers the world ever see, flush of "unlimited" money from Chinese government and the help from powerful AI and 3d printing, US and it's CHIP 4 allies are in for a surprise.


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I wonder how the narrative and geopolitical situation will change once China does get EUV and catches up or surpasses Taiwan in leading edge node? I think mainstream media and even high ranking policy makers in Washington are obsessed with the idea that China will never ever catch up with Taiwan in leading edge nodes, and if they do, that's just due to American technology helping them and all that they need to do is put in some export controls and set them back another 2 years, forever. That and China only wants Taiwan for their semiconductor industry, and not say the issues with having a American naval and airbase off your coast.

The moment that a domestic EUV machine fabs a 2nm transistor, that narrative will completely change.
This would bring everything to an end, so they don't want to mention it, otherwise their decisions would seem pointless. It's like China's gdp surpassing Japan's, which the Japanese once dismissed as delusional and would take them decades to reinterpret.


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Zhejiang Niceway Semiconductor Ceramic Products Project started.​

Recently, the groundbreaking ceremony for the annual production of 400,000 sets of ceramic products for photovoltaic and semiconductor equipment, 35,000 sets of pure silicon fixtures for semiconductor equipment, and 5,000 sets of silicon carbide products for photovoltaic and semiconductor equipment was held in Haiyan Baibu Economic Development Zone (Baibu Step Town) held.

According to reports, the project was signed and settled in Baibu in November 2022, with a total investment of 150 million yuan and a land area of about 21 acres. It will form 400,000 sets of ceramic products for photovoltaic and semiconductor equipment, 35,000 sets of pure silicon fixtures for semiconductor equipment, The production capacity of 5,000 sets of silicon carbide products for photovoltaic and semiconductor equipment mainly serves equipment companies in the fields of photovoltaic equipment, semiconductor equipment, precision electronic equipment, and machine tools. The project is planned to be officially put into operation at the beginning of 2025, and it can achieve sales of 200 million yuan after reaching production capacity.​


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Interesting conversation in one of Havok thread. AMEC 60:1 is capable to do 200++ layers NAND.

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: 60:1可以生产128以上的

60:1 can produce above 128

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: 长存200+层的颗粒用60:1能搞定吗?需要100:1以上?

Can 200+ layers be done with 60:1? Need more than 100:1?

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: 主流工艺都是双堆栈蚀刻,就是蚀刻两次,lam 100:1的是想做蚀刻一次。

The mainstream process is double-stack etching, that is, etching twice, and the lam 100:1 is to do etching once
Can someone elaborate on this? I noticed YMTC does not need lithography as much as it needs more precise etching. Which is the latest AMEC available right now and how does it compare to latest LAM research etch. Also another thing is, both AMAT and LAM makes Etching machine, why is LAM Etching machine is so much better then AMAT?
Finally, am I the only one who's extremely frustrated by lack of progress (official announcements!) From SMEE when we can constantly see how other Chinese SME companies boast about their progress in last couple of years? Even LoongSong is making so much progress trying to catch up with Intel and AMD going into 7nm process in next few years (LS3A6000++) but how on earth are they going to be able to fabricate it without ArFi? I'm keenly aware of two other things China needs to overcome (mainly photoresist and EDA) but in both of those cases I'm quite confident China will be able to catch up in next 2 years. But I'll be honest SMEE looks shady to me and I want some other competent company to take in the role of developing ArFi (along with the light source and optics). Tbh I might sound emotional but I want the whole Chinese nation to rally for ArFi and EUVL like they did for other stuffs in the past


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I wonder how the narrative and geopolitical situation will change once China does get EUV and catches up or surpasses Taiwan in leading edge node? I think mainstream media and even high ranking policy makers in Washington are obsessed with the idea that China will never ever catch up with Taiwan in leading edge nodes, and if they do, that's just due to American technology helping them and all that they need to do is put in some export controls and set them back another 2 years, forever. That and China only wants Taiwan for their semiconductor industry, and not say the issues with having a American naval and airbase off your coast.

The moment that a domestic EUV machine fabs a 2nm transistor, that narrative will completely change.

We will smash the dog heads of the Chinese revisionists.



Lieutenant General
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SMEE probably has just too small of a team, is too small of a company. While ASML keeps improving its whole product line up, KrF, dry ArF, immersion ArF, and EUV, SMEE seem to only focus on a single product line at the moment which is immersion ArF. And that is because they have money from the Chinese government's Project 02.


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Can someone elaborate on this? I noticed YMTC does not need lithography as much as it needs more precise etching. Which is the latest AMEC available right now and how does it compare to latest LAM research etch. Also another thing is, both AMAT and LAM makes Etching machine, why is LAM Etching machine is so much better then AMAT?
Finally, am I the only one who's extremely frustrated by lack of progress (official announcements!) From SMEE when we can constantly see how other Chinese SME companies boast about their progress in last couple of years? Even LoongSong is making so much progress trying to catch up with Intel and AMD going into 7nm process in next few years (LS3A6000++) but how on earth are they going to be able to fabricate it without ArFi? I'm keenly aware of two other things China needs to overcome (mainly photoresist and EDA) but in both of those cases I'm quite confident China will be able to catch up in next 2 years. But I'll be honest SMEE looks shady to me and I want some other competent company to take in the role of developing ArFi (along with the light source and optics). Tbh I might sound emotional but I want the whole Chinese nation to rally for ArFi and EUVL like they did for other stuffs in the past
I know it's easy to get impatient. And worse the lack of news is frustrating. But I am hoping everyone understands, this is how it has to be. SMEE isn't officially announcing anything until they can get full mass production going. Because if they announce before then, USA will just try to figure out what to cut off. Why take risks if they're unnecessary? Finally, from what I've read here, they're getting ready to mass produce 5 units this year. While great, just one factory line needs 5-8 DUVis. It's going to take time to ramp up. Why lose access to ASML's DUVis in the meantime? Better then to keep it secret.


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Yttrium Oxide Ceramics—Key Materials for Semiconductor Etching Equipment.

Yttrium Oxide Ceramics—Key Materials for Semiconductor Etching Equipment Ceramic materials have good corrosion resistance. Therefore, in the semiconductor industry, various ceramic materials have become plasma etching resistant materials for wafer processing equipment. Among them, yttrium oxide ( Y2O3 ) belongs to the cubic crystal system, its melting point is 2430°C, it has good electrical insulation and light transmission. Many studies have shown that the plasma etching resistance of Y2O3 ceramic coatings is better than that of Al2O3 coatings.



Registered Member
Can someone elaborate on this? I noticed YMTC does not need lithography as much as it needs more precise etching. Which is the latest AMEC available right now and how does it compare to latest LAM research etch. Also another thing is, both AMAT and LAM makes Etching machine, why is LAM Etching machine is so much better then AMAT?
Finally, am I the only one who's extremely frustrated by lack of progress (official announcements!) From SMEE when we can constantly see how other Chinese SME companies boast about their progress in last couple of years? Even LoongSong is making so much progress trying to catch up with Intel and AMD going into 7nm process in next few years (LS3A6000++) but how on earth are they going to be able to fabricate it without ArFi? I'm keenly aware of two other things China needs to overcome (mainly photoresist and EDA) but in both of those cases I'm quite confident China will be able to catch up in next 2 years. But I'll be honest SMEE looks shady to me and I want some other competent company to take in the role of developing ArFi (along with the light source and optics). Tbh I might sound emotional but I want the whole Chinese nation to rally for ArFi and EUVL like they did for other stuffs in the past
can you please read out last 150-200 pages of this thread. thank you

EDA problem solved too. photoresist issue sorted out as well. the only issue is scale production. which will take some time.

each and every member on this thread know some basic information. SMEE has nothing to do with EUV development. i repeat, SMEE has nothing to do with EUV. their main task is dry and immersion DUV. which they have successfully developed. all technical bottleneck have solved. from this year end small scale production will begin. maybe with 5 units. full scale production can begin in 2025.

now lets come to EUV.

you said,'I want the whole Chinese nation to rally for ArFi and EUVL like they did for other stuffs in the past'

your wish has granted. again if you read last 150-200 pages, then you get to know. EUV is now a national project. multiple top Chinese institutes working on EUV include Huawei. from light source to other critical subsystems developing by different firms/institutes across all over China.


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Huahai Zero2IPO (688120) hwatsing: 4Q22 performance continued to grow rapidly and set new highs​

  The company released a performance report. In 2022, revenue will increase by 109%, net profit will increase by 160%, and net profit after deducting non-profits will increase by 228%. Among them, the growth rate of the company's revenue and net profit in 4Q22 continued to maintain a year-on-year and quarter-on-quarter rapid growth and hit a record high, reflecting the continued growth of market demand in the semiconductor industry and the improvement of the company's product competitiveness.

  Looking ahead, the company, as the domestic leader in CMP (polishing), will benefit from the growth of the downstream market and the promotion of domestic substitution. It is estimated that the company's net profit in 2022 and 2023 will be 520 million yuan and 680 million yuan, an increase of 160% and 33% year-on-year, and the EPS will be 4.82 yuan and 6.39 yuan respectively. The current stock price corresponds to 37 times PE and 11 times PS in 2023, giving a buy rating.

  4Q22 performance continues to grow at a high speed and hit a new high: the company released a performance report. In 2022, the company achieved revenue of 1.68 billion yuan, YOY increased by 109%; realized net profit of 520 million yuan, YOY increased by 160%, and net profit after deducting non-existing expenses was 370 million yuan. YOY increased by 228%, EPS5.39 yuan. Among them, in the fourth quarter, the company achieved revenue of 550 million yuan in a single quarter, YOY increased by 110%, and QOQ increased by 32%; realized net profit of 170 million yuan, YOY increased by 246%, and QOQ increased by 10%. Thanks to the strong demand for domestic substitution of semiconductor equipment, the company's 4Q22 performance has achieved substantial growth, and its revenue and net profit have reached record highs. From the perspective of operating profit margin, the company's operating profit margin in 2022 will be 33.9%, an increase of 8.5 percentage points over the same period last year. Reflecting the rapid increase in the company's output value, the expense ratio continued to decline.

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