Chinese semiconductor industry

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The larger the synchrotron the longer it takes to build.
Yes, that's obvious and I alluded to it in the post. However, the number of years it takes to build isn't a function of circumference. There's going to be some chunk of time that's constant no matter the size of the synchrotron (producing and installing equipment, training personnel, etc.) A 2025 date is really pushing it, even if its Q4 2025 and construction begins immediately.

I think 2027/8 is more reasonable.


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The research team of Professor Peng Lianmao and Researcher Qiu Chenguang from the School of Electronics, Peking University has prepared a 10nm ultra-short channel ballistic two-dimensional indium selenide transistor, which for the first time makes the actual performance of the two-dimensional transistor exceed Intel's commercial 10nm node silicon-based Fin transistor, and The working voltage of the two-dimensional transistor is reduced to 0.5 V, which is also the fastest and lowest power consumption two-dimensional semiconductor transistor in the world so far. The relevant research results are titled "Ballistic two-dimensional InSe transistors" and published online in the journal Nature on March 22, 2023. Doctoral students Jiang Jianfeng and Dr. Xu Lin from the School of Electronics are the co-first authors, Professor Peng Lianmao and researcher Qiu Chenguang are the co-corresponding authors, and the School of Electronics of Peking University is the sole unit of the paper.

北京大学电子学院彭练矛教授、邱晨光研究员课题组制备了10纳米超短沟道弹道二维硒化铟晶体管,首次使得二维晶体管实际性能超过Intel商用10纳米节点的硅基Fin晶体管,并且将二维晶体管的工作电压降到0.5 V,这也是世界上迄今速度最快能耗最低的二维半导体晶体管。
相关研究成果以“Ballistic two-dimensional InSe transistors”为题,2023年3月22日在线发表于Nature期刊。电子学院博士生姜建峰与徐琳博士为并列第一作者,彭练矛教授和邱晨光研究员为共同通讯作者,北京大学电子学院为论文唯一单位。


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But Synchrotrons easily produce radiation in all ranges of the EM spectrum, from long to x-rays, no?
yes, synchrotron is tunable. but the reason why people picked EUV over X-ray is due to the X-ray photoresist problem (no material absorbs X-rays well enough) and the X-ray mask problem (X-rays too short to manage with projection optics). Exactly 13.5 nm EUV itself has problems too, but luckily they've been solved generously by others, so China only has to manage a novel light source.


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yes, synchrotron is tunable. but the reason why people picked EUV over X-ray is due to the X-ray photoresist problem (no material absorbs X-rays well enough) and the X-ray mask problem (X-rays too short to manage with projection optics). Exactly 13.5 nm EUV itself has problems too, but luckily they've been solved generously by others, so China only has to manage a novel light source.
So if china can crack the x-ray mask and x-ray photo resist problems in the future China can just upgrade those newly built EUV infrastructure to X-ray light source infrastructure?
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