Chinese semiconductor industry

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game over.

China conquered basic DUVi technology. SSA800 serial production will begin this year. soon after more advance variant coming.

EUV core technologies breakthrough has achieved as well.

China is the only country on planet earth to have luxury to build entire semiconductor supply chain by themselves.
One has time and time and again heard during the last two to three years that SMEE is developing a DUV lithography machine capable of 28 nm fineness and/or that it has already produced one or more prototypes of such machines, with assertions being made than in 2022 or 2023 it will begin utilizing them for commercial production. Has there been any very recent official announcement by by SMEE of the commercial production of such a machine?


Registered Member
Hey brother ansy1968,

Check the shit we were talking to each other, last year, around this time.

I wanted to find that diagram, but found this crap instead.

Still kind of funny. Freaking accurate too. We just a couple peasants, and we actually something. Even though it is very little, because we are peasants, we still knew!



Registered Member
Hey brother ansy1968,

Check the shit we were talking to each other, last year, around this time.

I wanted to find that diagram, but found this crap instead.

Still kind of funny. Freaking accurate too. We just a couple peasants, and we actually something. Even though it is very little, because we are peasants, we still knew!

Bro you mean this. ;) We're foreshadowing it even without It's good to be alive, I'm fortunate that I was given a second life to see it happen.:)


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taxiya said:
The building that you are talking about is about this project
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It is about research in physics as X-ray microscopes.

The SSMB EUV project that #10,511 talked about is a different one that is to be built in Qinghua University. It is specifically designed for EUV machine. See here
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CAS has also joined the SSMB R&D initiative after Huawei sought help from them.
The 2 SSMB Light Source articles posted by Old School and Ansy refer to the new Beijing HEPS Synchrotron which is currently under construction.
I have heard that Tsinghua Uni is collaborating with CAS.
The Tsinghua Uni Synchrotron has not started construction yet.
The Tsinghua Uni joint research with the US and Germany may not even continue in light of the new Cold War scenario between China and the US.
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Registered Member
Does anyone still have that particular excel table document which listed out China's updated status on the indigenizing of the semicondutor industry as of current?

I recall that table listing out all the machineries, devices, components and software required for semiconductor manufacturing on the left column, and the nanometers in the top row. In the cells, green coloured-cells means China has mastered and capable of building said machinery/device/component/software for XX nanometers of semiconductor, while yellow/brown coloured-cells means that China is still working on a workable product.
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