Chinese semiconductor industry

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What's the latest news on Chinese desktop OS development? I thought they were going to focus on UOS (which supports a wider variety of ISAs) but it kind of seems like the government still prefers Kylin OS. And what's up with openKylin? Is it meant to replace Kylin OS?


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Pardon me if it's out of topic but while ppl claimed that military doesn't need small node chips, this osint account argued otherwise

battlefield chips that actually run vehicles definitely don't need small node chips, the simple reason is that for most applications not involving big data (which also implies big storage, which implies big data throughput, which implies stationary datacenter on the ground) you just need to drive things around.

For consumer chips the big computational expense is graphics. A 4K screen has 8 million pixels, each pixel is RGB enabled, and usually RGB is minimum 24-bit color. At 60 refresh per second, that's 11.5 GB/s data transfer rate. That's a ton of data just to drive the screen. Not to render graphics on it... just to make it do anything at all.

What does a 4K screen driver chip require? 28-90 nm for smartphones, 110-130 nm for TVs. Dirt cheap for TVs, still moderately cheap for smartphones.

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Imagine what you can do with 11.5 GB/s of data transfer capability and a ~1.5-2 GHz core (early 2000's Intel, 130 nm process). How much data can you store, manage and display on a medium resolution display for trained pilots? Do pilots need to be playing Crysis or something on max graphics? No, but they do need to not fall out of the sky to random cosmic rays.


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The Twitter account you linked is a know-nothing osintbro, it's not worth our attention.

I read through the Twitter account previously and would rate it very highly. There are a few analytical mistakes I can see, but those arise from not considering operational requirements from the Chinese perspective.

As for the comment on semiconductor sanctions being the most effective weapon that the US has left, that is accurate.

Given the relatively tiny numbers of semiconductors in end-use military platforms and hardening requirements, my guess that the lowest cost solution would be larger than a 40nm node, which is completely mature.

But if you're training the deep learning models, you want to do this in a data centre with the high performance chips at the latest nodes. China can work around this with older nodes currently available in China, but it will slow down the process. That just means more chips have to be dedicated, but the end result won't be too different


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Auros Technology to increase sales in China...Securing new customers following CXMT

Auros Technology is accelerating its penetration into the Chinese market. After signing several equipment supply contracts with CXMT, a Chinese memory company, this year, discussions are underway with another Chinese semiconductor company for a demo test.

According to the industry on the 15th, Auros Technology is promoting a demo test to supply products to new Chinese customers.

AUROS Technology specializes in overlay measurement equipment that measures whether the circuit patterns of the upper and lower layers of a semiconductor wafer are accurately aligned. Previously, Auros Technology had relied on SK Hynix for a significant portion of its sales, but it succeeded in supplying products to Samsung Electronics last year. Since then, Auros Technology has been actively pushing for entry into the Chinese market to accelerate its strategy of diversifying its customers and increasing the proportion of overseas sales.

As a representative achievement, Auros Technology secured CXMT, a Chinese DRAM manufacturer, as a customer this year. It is known that the product has been continuously supplied after passing the demo test earlier this year. Recently, it also signed a contract with CXMT to order 12-inch overlay measurement equipment worth KRW 11 billion.

In addition to CXMT, Auros Technology is discussing with another Chinese memory semiconductor company to conduct a demo test. If successful, it is expected to be able to enter the demo test next year.

An official from Auros Technology said, “Although the global semiconductor industry is not in a good condition, we were able to receive orders from CXMT thanks to the outstanding performance of the equipment.” that,” he said.

Meanwhile, China is investing heavily to strengthen its semiconductor industry capabilities. According to the Semiconductor Industry Association of America (SIA), China is promoting 28 new semiconductor fab construction projects at a total cost of $26 billion. Furthermore, the possibility of further investment is raised. On the 13th, Reuters reported that, citing multiple sources, "China is preparing a support program of 1 trillion yuan (about 186 trillion won) over the next five years to strengthen semiconductor production capacity and technology."

At the same time, the level of U.S. restrictions on semiconductor exports to China is also rising day by day. This can act as an opportunity for Auros Technology as a Korean measurement and inspection equipment company. This is because the Chinese semiconductor industry is moving to replace American equipment with equipment from other companies as the barriers to importing US equipment from China increase.


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Its not a big issue i think given China created their own super computers using domestic chips, not having access to sub 10nm chips means you just need to run better cooling and bigger warehouses. An Engineering problems i'm sure China can crack easily given their track record.

But China's advantage in Hyper sonic missile development means they already have a created a big deliver time gap compared to say the US and their own Hyper sonic progress. China probably has tens of seconds of advantage of getting a missile from China to US ship compared to say the US getting a missile from US ship to a Chinese target. While the US might only have tens of milliseconds advantage in targeting identification compared to say China because they can stack more sub 10nm chips on the same square meter and cooling solutions..

At least that is my view on it. It does makes me wonder space is quite a cold place maybe put some computing power there as some sort of edge computing. It does help the Chinese and the US mitigate some of the distance problems from ship to data centres. Beaming data from a US ships location to some AWS, Google, Cloud-flare or AZURE data centre for processing also takes time because of distances involved while if you had computing power in space the distance might be only like 500km for a low earth orbit Starlink based distributed computing clusters.
Bro it's good to the you're so right bro a old post i want to share with you from my mentor @Oldschool


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Dec 6, 2022New
Actually the mature tech domain is quite big. If Huawei can dominate the mature tech sector that means companies such as Texas Intrument, Analog device, Microchip, StMicro, Infineon can put out of business.

Mature tech actually more involved with specialty process tech, its not simple as Vanilla CMOS Logic process. Industrial control and EV chips involved Bipolar for high current, fast switching, and high voltage or BiCMOS combination of front end Biploar control and back end CMOS logic control.
Doing IDM in mature products are quite involved with different process involved for different product completely different than logic process.

ALot of SDF people thinks mature tech not as good. That's wrong thinking . Actually It's completely different animals.
Huawei needs to develope its vast fleet of semiconductor process engineers not just hisilicon logic design using EDA. Then it could become a semiconductor power house.
THe above mentioned western mature tech semiconductor companies occupied a large domain and if Huawei can take them out, it goes long way even if it never get into sub 16nm stuffs.


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As I posted yesterday, CR Micro had a presentation about their auto chip product line and it is quite extensive
Here is an article talking about their presentation.
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Keep in mind that on top of the Chongqing plant opening, they also announced a new Shenzhen plant in October.

在具体的产品技术路径方面,华润微的产品技术也全面覆盖了超结MOS、SiC、IGBT、LV-MV MOS等。

在此次发布会上,华润微电子还集中发布了自主研发量产的系列车规级产品,产品涵盖SGT MOS、SJ MOS、IGBT、SiC MOS与SiC模块等在内的38颗单管和5个模块的车规级产品。
They look to be getting into all the power chip areas.


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Crystal growth furnace basically realizes domestic substitution

In fact, the key link in the preparation of silicon carbide substrates lies in the crystal growth process. Since silicon carbide needs to grow at high temperature (>2,200°C) and in a vacuum environment, the requirements for temperature field stability are high, and the growth rate is very slow and cannot be observed. The growth status of the crystal is prone to produce heterogeneous crystal forms, and it is difficult to control the yield. Therefore, only when the crystal growth process and equipment are closely integrated can the research and development and production efficiency be optimal.

Therefore, international leading silicon carbide companies including CREE, II-VI, and SiCrystal mainly use self-developed equipment. Domestically, established silicon carbide substrate manufacturers such as Tianke Heda, Hebei Tongguang, and Shanxi Shuoke also use self-developed equipment. According to the route of research equipment, Roshow Technology, Jingsheng Electromechanical and Shangji CNC all develop silicon carbide substrate business from self-developed silicon carbide crystal growth furnace equipment.

As more and more silicon carbide substrate projects are launched, equipment manufacturers including North Huachuang, Jingsheng Equipment, Liancheng CNC, Hengpu Technology and other equipment manufacturers have seen opportunities, and have successively launched domestic silicon carbide crystal growth furnace equipment. North Huachuang once stated at the 2021 annual performance briefing meeting that orders for silicon carbide growth equipment are full, and it is expected to ship more than 500 units this year.

Tianyue Advanced also stated in the investor interactive question and answer that the company's current crystal growth furnace has basically realized domestic substitution, and the thermal field design, control software, assembly and debugging work are all completed by the company itself.


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Domestic manufacturers all make efforts to cut, grind and polish equipment

In addition to silicon carbide crystal growth furnace equipment, silicon carbide cutting, grinding and polishing equipment, which is occupied by Japan's Takadori for more than 80%, has become the common choice of Shangji CNC, Yujing, Han's Laser, Gaoce and other manufacturers to break through.

In November this year, Shangji CNC stated on the official Weibo that the company has made a major breakthrough in the field of silicon carbide cutting, and the self-developed silicon carbide slicing equipment has been successful, opening up a precedent for "domestic substitution of imported silicon carbide equipment". Up to now, the order volume is close to 150 units, and the market share of domestic silicon carbide slicers exceeds 90%.

At the same time, Shangji CNC also pointed out that in May this year, the silicon carbide edge chamfering machine was successfully developed, and it has been sent to customers for trial use.

At the end of October, Gaoce also stated that since June 2022, the company has signed sales orders for 12 silicon carbide diamond wire slicing machines, basically covering the industry's new demand for diamond wire slicing capacity.

Han's Laser recently pointed out that the company's SiC ingot laser slicer and SiC ultra-thin wafer laser slicer, which are used in the third-generation semiconductors, are undergoing mass production verification at customers.

In November, Yujing said in an agency survey that the company has achieved full coverage of cutting, grinding and polishing processing equipment for silicon carbide materials. Due to the high hardness of silicon carbide materials, the company's wire cutting machine adopts mortar wire cutting Silicon carbide has been sold in small batches, and some silicon carbide cutting, grinding, and polishing processing equipment have been verified by many customers. The verification period of silicon carbide equipment is long. After the verification is passed, it is expected that order demand will be formed.

Huanyu CNC stated on the interactive platform in September that the company, as a professional provider of CNC grinding equipment, has grinding and grinding and polishing equipment that can be used for the processing of semiconductor materials represented by silicon carbide, which are mainly used in the grinding and polishing of semiconductor materials. Polishing and other processes.

Shenkeda also said that the chip dicing machine the company is developing can be applied to silicon carbide.

In the cleaning process after the grinding process, Shengmei Shanghai, the leading semiconductor cleaning equipment in China, launched a new type of post-chemical mechanical polishing (Post-CMP) cleaning equipment in July, which is used to manufacture high-quality substrates after the chemical mechanical polishing (CMP) process The cleaning, 6-inch and 8-inch configurations are suitable for silicon carbide (SiC) substrate manufacturing, and the 8-inch and 12-inch configurations are suitable for silicon wafer manufacturing.

Accelerated breakout of equipment in all links

In addition to silicon carbide substrates, silicon carbide equipment involves special processes such as high temperature and high energy in areas such as epitaxy, chip manufacturing, packaging, and testing. There is a gap in domestic supply, but the delivery time of imported equipment is usually more than one year, or even two years. In 2010, the development of domestic production lines was seriously restricted.

Under such circumstances, domestic equipment manufacturers have also launched silicon carbide equipment products one after another, and some leading companies already have the ability to solve the entire line of equipment. A domestic equipment manufacturer said that compared with silicon-based equipment, the silicon carbide industry is still in the early stages of development, the market demand is very strong, and related equipment has not formed a standard. Therefore, the company can cooperate with customers to carry out research and development and launch more innovative products. Innovative products, not just domestic substitutes.

In terms of epitaxial equipment, Jingsheng Electromechanical said that the SiC silicon carbide epitaxial equipment produced by the company is independently developed, designed and manufactured by the company. The core technologies have independent intellectual property rights and have been sold in batches.

Jihua Laboratory also stated in April that the 6-inch SiC high-temperature epitaxy equipment independently developed by Jihua Laboratory's high-power semiconductor research team has made a breakthrough. The core components of the equipment are all made in China, and the localization rate of the whole machine exceeds 85%.

In September of this year, North Huachuang stated at an industry conference that the company has more than 10 years of technology accumulation in the research and development of epitaxial equipment. At present, 4/6-inch SiC epitaxial equipment has signed orders for more than 100 units, and batch machines have been implemented in major mainstream epitaxial plants. Stable mass production.

In addition to crystal growth furnaces and epitaxy equipment, North Huachuang can also provide silicon carbide equipment such as etching, high-temperature annealing, oxidation, PVD, and cleaning machines.

Like North Huachuang, CETC 48 is also building a complete line of products. It stated at an industry conference held in July this year that the company took the lead in developing key equipment for silicon carbide device manufacturing in China, forming a complete set of trends. The 48 Institute of CETC has successively developed silicon carbide epitaxy equipment, high-temperature high-energy ion implantation machines, high-temperature activation furnaces, and high-temperature oxidation furnaces, and continues to develop the second-generation and third-generation models. Up to now, its silicon carbide equipment has been in the production line Application/signed contracts for more than 100 sets.

In terms of packaging and testing equipment, Crack said at the 2022 Zhangjiang Automotive Semiconductor Ecological Summit held in November that the company is optimistic about the future market of SiC and is actively investing in the research and development of silver sintering equipment for SiC device packaging. At present, the silver sintering equipment independently developed by the company has achieved proofing verification in some clients. At the same time, the "third-generation semiconductor power chip micro-nano metal sintering process and equipment research and development project" invested by the company has been identified as a key core technology (equipment) research project by the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology.

As the leader of semiconductor testing equipment in China, Huafeng Measurement and Control said that the company has entered the field of third-generation compound testing, power module testing and SoC integrated circuit testing in recent years. At present, the company has been in the forefront of the world in the field of gallium nitride testing , In the field of high-power IGBT and silicon carbide testing, it has also begun to increase gradually.

Linkage Technology also stated that the company's products have been widely used in the third-generation semiconductors, such as GaN and SiC (silicon carbide) products.

To sum up, at present, the domestic silicon carbide industry has formed a full ecological industry chain from equipment, materials, devices to applications, and is in a stage of rapid expansion. It is necessary to establish a safe and reliable domestic silicon carbide industry chain. It is foreseeable that with the rise of the domestic silicon carbide industry, it is bound to bring huge development opportunities to the above-mentioned domestic equipment manufacturers.


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Russia has made a wafer loader that can manage 100 wafers per hour:


This will likely be used in russia's upcoming lithography machines.

More info:
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