Chinese semiconductor industry

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Kunheng Shunwei: The high-performance spectrum analyzer is testing the system indicators and optimizing the performance of the whole machine.​

Recently, Kunheng Shunwei said in an agency survey that the company's spectrum analyzer has entered the stage of comprehensive R&D and testing. At present, the high-performance spectrum analyzer (vector signal analyzer) has completed the 2Hz-44GHz principle prototype. The overall system index test and performance optimization are underway.

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ASML's sales by geography are noted in the financial presentation they made for the end of the 3rd quarter, 2022.
Of EUR 4.3 billion in revenue, their sales geographies were from
Taiwan (49%)
South Korea (24%)
China (15%)
United States (5%)
Japan (4%)
Europe, Middle East, Africa/EMEA (4%)
Other Asia (1%)
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That 49% on Taiwan is a huge weakness and a big source of unpredictability for the future. I'm sure ASML executives are well aware of it.

South Korea mainly means Samsung and SK Hynix. Not exactly what I would call a widespread and healty customer base.

China is the third in the list and the only one to ensure some kind of reliable future and wide customer base (of course if US sanctions are avoided).

US has 5% now. It will increase before 2015, but it remains anyhow just one of the regions, and even not the biggest one.

That's why for ASML giving up China is a total nightmare, although of course official statements are different. They will push their government hard as hell to resist US pressure...


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China Panel Proposes U.S. Supply Chain Agency

An annual report to Congress released this week recommends creation of executive branch agency to coordinate U.S. efforts for securing domestic supply chains, including semiconductors and rare earth elements.

The recommendation by the
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calls for a establishing an Economic and Security Preparedness and Resilience Office. The unit would oversee interagency efforts to strengthen U.S. supply chains “in the context of the ongoing geopolitical rivalry and possible conflict with China.”

Among the proposed agency’s duties would be developing a framework for assessing supply chain resilience and developing “risk mitigation efforts.”

Addressing the status of U.S.-China technology competition, commission members said it was too soon to judge how
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will influence the rivalry. Final implementation of proposed restrictions on technology sales to China won’t be completed until next year, they noted.

“We’re really not in a position to evaluate whether U.S. policy has changed the trajectory of the U.S.-China economic competition,” said Commissioner
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. “China has obviously been catching up technologically for a number of years [but] the U.S. is just starting to respond in a race that China has been running for years.”

U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission:
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US still writhing like a live eel on a BBQ, I see. Everything they do amounts to them trying to the impossible task of staying on top of a China which innovates more, and has 4 times more people who are smarter, harder working, and more STEM focused. They can move all they want but it's just like a guy changing his pose over and over on the tracks trying to find the most comfortable way to get run over by the train.
Taiwan Chip Engineers Leaving China

Taiwanese semiconductor engineers who in recent years flocked to China, lured by prospects of better pay and job opportunities, are reportedly beginning to return home.

Weary of Beijing’s unyieldingly Covid-19 containment policy and concerned over the implications of the geopolitical dispute with the U.S., the engineers are abandoning China, the New York Times reported.

Returnees reported battle scars from their time across the Taiwan Straits, including unfulfilled promises of broader job experience. The Chinese chip sector, it turns out, lacks the varied opportunities many Taiwanese engineers were expecting.

However, the primary reason for leaving, some chip engineers said, was fear that China will seek to reclaim Taiwan by force.
Departing engineers also said they did not want to advance Chinese technology at the expense of Taiwan. Others worried they would run afoul of U.S. technology sanctions if they continued working in China.

A former engineer with Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. (TSMC) who moved to China and recently returned home told the newspaper China is primarily interested in “poaching” Taiwan’s engineers to buttress its own position in the semiconductor industry.

While quoting engineers who have previously work for companies like TSMC in China, the report did not cite figures for the number of returning Taiwanese engineers. Taiwan has also been taking steps to curb the exodus of its semiconductor engineers to China, the Times said.
It's Western media; basically written in clown language. Either they found the 6 idiots who go fired/couldn't handle the work and interviewed them or they made it up altogether. No one from Taiwan who was worried about helping China at the ROC's expense would have ever come in the first place. China has always held fast that it will use force if the ROC does not return peacefully and the tech war was on since ZTE in 2016.


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Interesting development of nanoimprint as an alternative lithography technology.

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Other producers of nanotech lithography equipment include Electronic Visions Group (EVG), SUSS MicroTec and Obducat, all of which are European.

To think this guys get paid to write this stuff.

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-Huawei made an big investment in that company.
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