If the Chinese see the Europeans siding up with the Americans to contain them and trying to destroy their economy or supporting the separatists, they will have no options than get closer to their allies themselves and Russia is the closer one.China IMO will never help Russia military efforts, to avoid US admins start salivating at dreaming which marvelous sanctions they can put on China..and have also a good excuse to force the others to do the same.
In case is not clear enough, US is looking for the fight with China, hence Taiwan and everything else. An escalation is in the interest of US because, instead, time is on China side...and they will keep escalating, just don't give them good excuses to do so.
So the Europeans will have to find a balance relationship that benefit THEM not the Americans or the Chinese but THEM. But things don't look good. Eastern Europe was suppose to be Europe backyard in balance to being Russia frontyard (pretty much like Latin America is suppose to be US backyard and Canada is suppose to be US frontyard) but is the US who is calling the shots in Europe but the Europeans are the ones who suffering the consequences and Europeans leaders just do nothing except than following orders.
Believe or not the Chinese seem to care more about their relationship with the Europeans more than with the US or even other Asian powers like Japan. For the Chinese having to deal with the Americans had become just painful, tiresome and unreconcilable.