Chinese semiconductor industry

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China’s YMTC asks core US staff to leave due to chip export controls​

Washington’s restrictions block a vital pipeline of talent for China’s semiconductor industry
Chinese chipmaker Yangtze Memory Technologies Corp has asked American employees in core tech positions to leave, as it rushes to comply with new US export controls that are disrupting the country’s chip industry.
Four people close to the company said it was unclear how many US citizens and green card holders would be forced to leave YMTC, but that several in China had already left the memory chip producer.
A senior YMTC engineer said some of the Americans were key to the company’s breakthroughs on Nand memory chip production. “But there’s no other way around [them leaving],” the person added
Industry headhunters said the rules would cut down the pool of talent available for Chinese semiconductor companies, which are already struggling to find experienced staff.
The rules “have halved the number of available candidates for senior positions in chipmakers and toolmakers”, said a Shanghai-based headhunter, who asked not to be named.


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Senior executives with expertise and knowledge are definitely needed to startup a tech company, or to push the company to the next technology and/or organization level.

But once the company is already up and running and the internal processes are well defined, single individuals are less important than the organization, especially for big companies. This is a well known fact and is also what I've learned first hand in my working experience. The so called sea turtles, Chinese people returning to China after working in US, are definitely critical but in a much earlier step in the company life, than where big firms like YMTC are already today.

Moreover in semiconductor manufacturing, US is no more state of the art. Taiwan, Korea and even Japan are all more advanced or at the same level than US in manufacturing.

This illegal and abusive limitation on the people will be annoying in the short term, but in the long term the impact will be that Chinese companies will not rely on US passport holders and Chinese people studying and working in US will think twice before applying for US passport.

BTW the article, being a propaganda piece from the propaganda media that is FT, is hugely exaggerated and overstated. The real impact will be visible not sooner than one year time, and I think it will not be what US hopes it to be. Another not too little (becasue this is deeply abusive and anti-constitutional) but definitely too late step by US.


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this kind of discussion is still on the fringes, but can become reality very quickly if America is not seeing enough results.

As such, mainland should be reminding TSMC of this reality and get them to work with mainland suppliers.
Why has Taiwan been content to just be a user of important equipment and materials to produce sophisticated chips with them, instead of having made a great effort to have significant market share with regards to producing materials and equipment? It is no just lithography equipment, but Taiwan heavily relies on imports for etching, ion implantation, metrology, and deposition as well... No country should take the theory of comparative advantage to the hilt.


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These guys in the US are idiots. You cannot convert a factory from 5nm to 3nm at the drop of a hat. You basically need to change the tooling in the factory and at that point it might just be cheaper to make a new fab.

The building shell itself might cost like a billion or two, but the tools can cost up to 10x that.
Don't fabs as a rule have different lines for different nodes? By this I mean would a company like Samsung Electronics and SMIC have ONE FAB with lines with the respective necessary equipment for 7 nm, 10, 14, 28, 60 etc? Or is it a more prevalent practice to make fabs for just one particular node?


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Don't fabs as a rule have different lines for different nodes? By this I mean would a company like Samsung Electronics and SMIC have ONE FAB with lines with the respective necessary equipment for 7 nm, 10, 14, 28, 60 etc? Or is it a more prevalent practice to make fabs for just one particular node?
It depends on what you are fabbing. Just think of it as you have a set of tools installed and what can you do with those tools.
A 7nm line might have either just DUV machines or a mix of EUV and DUV machines. A 5nm line will have more EUV machines.
You will have different ratios of EUV to DUV machines. And it makes no economic sense to have machines idle when they cost that much.


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The first phase of the leading semiconductor high-end equipment R&D and production project received a syndicated loan of 300 million yuan​

According to China's Jiangsu Net news, CCB Xuzhou Tongshan Sub-branch has recently led the formation of a syndicate to issue a loan of 300 million yuan for the first phase of Jiangsu Pilot Semiconductor's high-end equipment R&D and production project.

It is reported that as a major project in Jiangsu Province in 2022 and the No. 1 project in Xuzhou High-tech Zone, the leading semiconductor high-end equipment R&D and production project will start construction in December 2021, with a total investment of 5.1 billion yuan, of which the first phase is about 2.863 billion yuan. The project is committed to the localization of core parts and components of semiconductor deposition and coating equipment, filling the gap in domestic semiconductor equipment in the mid-to-high-end field. After the project is put into production, it can produce 600 sets of semiconductors and other opto-mechanical equipment annually.

According to previous news, in June 2021, the semiconductor deposition and coating equipment production base project of Guangdong Leading Rare Materials Co., Ltd. was signed and landed in Xuzhou. According to the news at the time, in 2019, Pioneer Group acquired the German FHR company (the world's leading supplier of thin-film vacuum equipment manufacturing) with a total investment of 45 million euros, and planned to build a localized production base for semiconductor deposition and coating equipment. Products include: compound semiconductor thin film equipment, MEMS thin film equipment, MDS thin film production line, precision optical thin film equipment, TCO coating equipment, HIT glass coating equipment, flat panel display array coating equipment, etc.

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The Institute of Semiconductors and others have made a series of progress in the research of nitride epitaxy and new devices​

Source of the manuscript: Responsible editor of the Semiconductor Research Institute : ICAC Release time: 2022-10-18
Liu Zhiqiang, a researcher at the Institute of Semiconductors, Chinese Academy of Sciences, in cooperation with Peking University, Beijing Graphene Research Institute and other units, has made a series of research progress in the field of nitride epitaxy and thermoelectric energy devices, verifying the feasibility of nitride heteroheteromeric single crystal epitaxy. A new idea of nitride dislocation control is proposed, which expands the application of nitrides in the field of high temperature thermoelectricity. Related achievements are Continuous Single-Crystalline GaN Film Grown on WS 2 -Glass Wafer , Atomic Mechanism of Strain Alleviation and Dislocation Reduction in Highly Mismatched Remote Heteroepitaxy Using a Graphene Interlayer , Graphene-Assisted Epitaxy of High-Quality GaN Films on GaN Templates , High Power Efficiency Nitrides Thermoelectric Device , published online in Small , Nano Letters , Advanced Optical Materials, Nano Energy .
  The realization of nitride material epitaxy that does not depend on the substrate lattice is expected to break through the limitations of the substrate, integrate the performance advantages of wide-bandgap semiconductor materials and other semiconductor materials, and provide a new degree of freedom for device design. In 2021, the research team used graphene two-dimensional crystals as a buffer layer, and with the help of the underlying micro-nano structures such as nano-pillars, to realize the heterohetero-epitaxy of nitride quasi-single-crystal thin films on amorphous substrates. Recently, the research team has made progress in this field, using transition metal sulfides that match the nitride lattice as buffer layers, constructing artificial growth interfaces, realizing the preparation of single crystal thin films on amorphous glass wafers, and realizing ultraviolet light emission. device preparation. This work verifies the feasibility of nitride heteroisomeric single crystal epitaxy in the extreme case of amorphous substrates.
  Edge dislocations are a representative defect type in nitride materials, and are typically an order of magnitude higher in concentration than another typical defect, screw dislocations. Edge dislocations have an important impact on the performance of nitride light-emitting and electronic devices. Due to the inherent lattice mismatch between nitrides and heterosubstrates, effective means of suppressing edge dislocations are very limited. Recently, the research team used remote epitaxy to achieve effective reduction of edge dislocations in nitride epitaxial layers, and studied the physical mechanisms of stress release and dislocation density reduction at the atomic scale. The study found that the non-polar graphene buffer layer can weaken the lattice potential field originating from the substrate, so that the crystal orientation of the epitaxial layer can be controlled while the lattice can be relatively free. As a result, the stress induced by lattice mismatch in heteroepitaxy is relieved, and the edge dislocation density in the epitaxial layer is reduced by nearly an order of magnitude. On this low-stress GaN template, the researchers successfully fabricated InGaN/GaN quantum wells with high In composition, realizing LED devices in the yellow light band.
  Nitride materials have a high density of threading dislocations due to the limitation of growth methods. These threading dislocations can act as non-radiative recombination centers and leakage channels, which have a serious negative impact on the performance of nitride-based optoelectronic and power electronic devices. Recently, the research team used the two-dimensional graphene-assisted epitaxy method to realize the epitaxial growth of high-quality GaN films with low stress and low dislocation density, and revealed that graphene reduces the threading dislocation density in the epitaxial layer at the interface. mechanism. The study found that graphene can partially shield the potential field of the substrate. While the potential field of the substrate realizes the regulation of the interface lattice, the fluctuation of the surface potential field is weakened to a certain extent. Therefore, the epitaxial layer can release part of the stress through atomic slip, and realize the spontaneous relaxation of stress. After the introduction of graphene two-dimensional crystals, the lattice distortion caused by threading dislocations in the GaN template is recovered at the epitaxial interface, which shows that graphene blocks the upward diffusion of threading dislocations at the interface, thus obtaining a better contrast ratio than the same. Bottom homoepitaxial GaN films with lower dislocation density.

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2-inch gallium oxide homoepitaxial wafer was successfully prepared by the 46th Institute of Electronics Technology of China​

Walking into the busy key laboratory of new semiconductor materials, one after another of single crystal and epitaxial growth equipment comes into view. In these seemingly mysterious devices, white gallium oxide powder gathers and grows silently into a tower, and polished sheets made of it are polished. , epitaxial wafers, and various devices made of them have broad application prospects in consumer electronics, new energy vehicles, UHV power transmission, rail transit and other fields.

As a fourth-generation semiconductor material, gallium oxide can be described as "excellent talent", and the large forbidden band width makes it possible to manufacture semiconductor devices with higher withstand voltage and stronger processing capability with less material. Faced with the important task of independent innovation of gallium oxide, 46 institutes took the lead, broke through the growth technology of 2-inch and 4-inch gallium oxide single crystals, and developed high-voltage epitaxial wafers, laying a solid foundation for mass production of gallium oxide.


This is a vivid practice of CETC to speed up the independent innovation of key basic materials.

Insisting on taking the lifeblood of science and technology in its own hands, 46 so lead the innovation of ultra-wide bandgap semiconductor technology and rely on the advantages of the silicon epitaxy industry to accelerate breakthroughs in the original technologies of advanced silicon materials and compound semiconductor materials.

From the first to develop a high-transparency aluminum nitride single crystal that meets the requirements of deep ultraviolet detection, the technology-leading co-band pumped laser fiber, to greatly improving the resistivity of 6-inch gallium arsenide single crystal materials, from the formation of silicon single crystals, silicon wafers , silicon epitaxy and other complete industrial chains, and the production capacity of the optical fiber ring has doubled. In recent years, based on the solid foundation in the field of electronic functional materials, 46 institutes have focused on the three-step goal of "laying the foundation, achieving results, and developing by leaps and bounds". Innovative breakthrough.
The innovation strength has steadily improved, providing hard support for industrial applications

To fully promote the transformation and industrialization of scientific and technological achievements, the 46 institutes have accelerated the deployment of the third-generation semiconductor material industry, continuously extended the chain and expanded the chain to strengthen the chain, continuously improved the status and influence of the industry, bravely assumed the "chain length" of the industrial chain, and strived to build a leading domestic market. , The world's advanced material innovation and development cluster, supporting the vigorous development of my country's semiconductor material industry.


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I think it's pretty clear from what I've heard so far that there aren't that many Americans working in China. The green card holders can probably be persuaded to give up their green card for another country's PR if the pay is good enough. At the end of the day, there are limited number of jobs, people will go where the money is. There is the short term inconvenience of them not being able to work in China while they get their citizenship/PR status sorted out. There are a couple of chip design startups who probably will suffer big losses, but that really won't change the course for any of the larger/more mature firms that China actually depends on. Of course, FT will post the most alarmist pieces it can find. That's what click-baiting is all about. You don't get high view counts by saying that all will be good with China.

Anyhow, on the EDA from, a short analysis here on Empyrean Technology acquiring XinDa to have a wider portfolio. Looks like they already serve SMIC and Hisilicon. I think it's just a matter of time before the domestic EDAs are up to 5 nm on everything. Would love to see them work with Samsung or TSMC.
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Alright, China's first ETF of local and SK chipmakers. Not sure if there is any significance with this.
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