Junior Member
NAURA is in the "unverified" list, together with YMTC, they will eventually end up in the entity list in few months.
I agree US final goal is total decoupling in semiconductors, like it is in space technology.....but here it will be much more difficult for them to reach the target.
I have the impression (they give me the impression) that they are so scared to compete with China, that they prefer to not compete, split the market, I have mine you have yours, and call it a day. Very sad for such a leader like US to think like this...but here is where we are.
Of course, we're scared to compete. We have half the amount of stem grads and most of them want to work in software. We're too woke to do needs based immigration and too racist to increase immigration rate. American manual labor is not competitive. I have heard that our economy is basically propped up by the power of the dollar but idk if that's true or not.