First known RISC-V laptop , running Alibaba T-Core quad core Xuantie C910 processor @ 2.5 GHz. A Hacker Hacker special at 1500$ and not much ported software to the platform yet.
Alibaba press release on the particular chip. Interestingly, besides a linux port, they have a low level partial android port. Sound's like these are still "development" type boards to further progress the technology and not ready for mainstream.
It is quite expensive. Not competitive pricing wise with ARM processors, so definitely a limited market for now. Probably just here to attract the people looking to test out RISC-V computer with an open source CPU.
Overall, Alibaba/Pingtouge is investing in a new space. This is among their earlier trial products. I think they are making a good bet here. With Apple getting into RISC-V, there will probably be wider adaptation of RISC-V in the future. Alibaba could be getting a head start here against American competitors. Also, makes a lot of sense for them to invest in RISC-V if ARMS ever cut off licensing for Chinese design shops.
Keep in mind though, the C910 CPU on TH1520 itself is based on TSCMC 12 nm process, so it's not exactly state of the art.
I think that's probably because Xuantie 910 was actually announced back in 2019 and used 12 nm process. Even though C910 itself seems to have only been revealed and open sourced a year ago along with a few other CPUs.
Their next RISC-V CPU will probably use more advanced process.