Chinese semiconductor industry

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This war is a disaster for all Europe. We are stopping trade with Russia and revert to other sources (read US) for oil and gas. This war will move back the clock in Europe of 40 years! US is fully winning here, and they will not stop.

But many people here think China will be next. Your trilion $ credit in U.S. securities is your weak point. US can (and will) freeze it at any time in the future, for instance to "make China pay for COVID". For your information on European press (fully US controlled) started again this week to appear articles about virus's lab leak theory....

In the start of any conflict, the media and public are more likely to beat the war drum. As months roll out and inflation continues to get out of hand, ordinary people will get weary of it. I think a lot of the anti-China sentiment around the world is due to COVID. As people are now shifting their thoughts to a post-COVID world (big thanks to Russia), the ordinary European's view toward China will get better over time. Keep in mind just a few years ago, Trump was trying his hardest to alienate Europe at every given chance. So, public perception can definitely change over the next few years as COVID slows fades out of his people's mind.

As such, I don't think it's out of question for China to eventually re-establish partnership with European countries on semi conductor technology and supply chain. Nothing that would hurt impair their drive toward fully insulated supply chain.


Registered Member
In the start of any conflict, the media and public are more likely to beat the war drum. As months roll out and inflation continues to get out of hand, ordinary people will get weary of it. I think a lot of the anti-China sentiment around the world is due to COVID. As people are now shifting their thoughts to a post-COVID world (big thanks to Russia), the ordinary European's view toward China will get better over time. Keep in mind just a few years ago, Trump was trying his hardest to alienate Europe at every given chance. So, public perception can definitely change over the next few years as COVID slows fades out of his people's mind.

As such, I don't think it's out of question for China to eventually re-establish partnership with European countries on semi conductor technology and supply chain. Nothing that would hurt impair their drive toward fully insulated supply chain.
@tphuang Sir I think that ship had sailed, China will go full spectrum on Domestic IC, having taste the bitterness of sanction, they will never want to taste it again. The Europeans will only acquiesce until China attain self sufficiency (cause they believed China is incapable of challenging them) especially IF SMEE and CAS is able to deliver an EUVL then its game over for ASML. The Europeans had made a choice ( willing accomplice) and so is the Chinese.
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In the start of any conflict, the media and public are more likely to beat the war drum. As months roll out and inflation continues to get out of hand, ordinary people will get weary of it. I think a lot of the anti-China sentiment around the world is due to COVID. As people are now shifting their thoughts to a post-COVID world (big thanks to Russia), the ordinary European's view toward China will get better over time. Keep in mind just a few years ago, Trump was trying his hardest to alienate Europe at every given chance. So, public perception can definitely change over the next few years as COVID slows fades out of his people's mind.

As such, I don't think it's out of question for China to eventually re-establish partnership with European countries on semi conductor technology and supply chain. Nothing that would hurt impair their drive toward fully insulated supply chain.
You misunderstand, the threat of Yellow Peril is directly proportional to China's national strength, more specifically China's threat to US and by extension Anglo hegemony. As long as China continues its ascension, Yellow Peril will only intensify, not subside. It has nothing to do with COVID, weegur genocide, Tibet, 1989 tankman, or any of the other million genocides and human rights violations China is 'guilty' of. If COVID never happened, you can damn well bet the west would invent something else to take its place. The only viable solution for China is to fully commit to a 100% sanction-proof semiconductor supply chain through whatever means possible. Thanks to Trump, the private sector is finally waking up to this fact.


Registered Member
This war is a disaster for all Europe. We are stopping trade with Russia and revert to other sources (read US) for oil and gas. This war will move back the clock in Europe of 40 years! US is fully winning here, and they will not stop.

But many people here think China will be next. Your trilion $ credit in U.S. securities is your weak point. US can (and will) freeze it at any time in the future, for instance to "make China pay for COVID". For your information on European press (fully US controlled) started again this week to appear articles about virus's lab leak theory....
Shaking down two money trees, one arm each side


Registered Member
You misunderstand, the threat of Yellow Peril is directly proportional to China's national strength, more specifically China's threat to US and by extension Anglo hegemony. As long as China continues its ascension, Yellow Peril will only intensify, not subside. It has nothing to do with COVID, weegur genocide, Tibet, 1989 tankman, or any of the other million genocides and human rights violations China is 'guilty' of. If COVID never happened, you can damn well bet the west would invent something else to take its place. The only viable solution for China is to commit fully to a 100% sanction-proof semiconductor supply chain through whatever means possible. Thanks to Trump, the private sector is finally waking up to this fact.
@dengyeye bro fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. The Collective West adversarial policy is heard loud and clear. It's one of the greatest gift the American ever given Right there with the Alliances and Understanding between Russia and China. :cool:


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@Annihilation98 bro they have in SMIC SN1 FAB in Shanghai using ASML equipment, they will be opening 3 new FAB using domestic SMEE SSA800 DUVL in Beijing, Shenzhen and Shanghai by late 2022, 2023 and 2024.
I dont want rumor. I want real progress with evidence. Where is N+1,2,3,4,5 they talked about since 2 years ago. Atleast SMIC should do 12nm for small progress instead stuck and stay 14nm like forever. Forget about 7nm or euv just do atleast 12 nm.
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Lieutenant General
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@tphuang Sir I think that ship had sailed, China will go full spectrum on Domestic IC, having taste the bitterness of sanction, they will never want to taste it again. The Europeans will only acquiesce until China attain self sufficiency (cause they believed China is incapable of challenging them) especially IF SMEE and CAS is able to deliver an EUVL then its game over for ASML. The Europeans had made a choice ( willing accomplice) and so is the Chinese.
Of course you have to achieve self sufficiency as soon as possible. That's exactly what I said. However, that does not mean you cannot cooperate with Europeans on something. Just make sure you are able to produce everything yourself when called to do so. When you can negotiate from a point of strength, you can dictate the term of agreement. Do not think the Europeans are a monolithic group of braindead people just following America's directions. If you think that way, you haven't traveled to enough places in Europe. And if you think America is capable of always dictating Europe, you have not spent enough time in America.

Having more friends and less adversaries around the world is always a good thing. When China does have its semiconductor supply chain in order, it can use that as a tool in its diplomacy.
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