Chinese semiconductor industry

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EUV also wasn't blocked. But they dragged and dragged their feet delivering it. And then whoops.
EUV is definitely banned even by the Wassenaar Arrangement were the U.S can put a lot of pressure to other countries. DUV is gonna be harder unless the manage to get Japan willing to sacrifice Nikon lithography business and the Holland government onboard. And with SMEE launching a DUVi machine soon is going to be even harder. And as soon the Chinese give a hint, just a hint that they have a working EUV machine, ASML will be shipping theirs next day.


Registered Member
Why did ASML initially accept the EUV order from SMIC then?
Because as a business they want to sell more machines? Also China is important for ASML, some of the R&D in computational lithography and metrology is done there in Shenzhen and Beijing. Also, controlling the Chinese market helps them avoid creating competition, losing the Chinese market to a competitor in China will be bad for ASML just because of the size of the Chinese market. I think they even tried to make a deal with SMEE in 2017 to keep them focused on doing lithography for niche markets like packaging, LED, mems, power, RF, IOT while ASML will focus on the high end, kinda like today's Nikon and Canon but in China but I think the sanctions derailed all of that.


Registered Member
EUV is definitely banned even by the Wassenaar Arrangement were the U.S can put a lot of pressure to other countries. DUV is gonna be harder unless the manage to get Japan willing to sacrifice Nikon lithography business and the Holland government onboard. And with SMEE launching a DUVi machine soon is going to be even harder. And as soon the Chinese give a hint, just a hint that they have a working EUV machine, ASML will be shipping theirs next day.
ASML shipment of EUV will be refused by then.


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DUV is gonna be harder unless the manage to get Japan willing to sacrifice Nikon lithography business and the Holland government onboard.

If US blocks DUV from ASML, one day later also the Japanese will be blocked. It's impossible that EU accepts to be blocked while Japan can still sell to China. US will block also them (and in my opinion that would be much easier than blocking ASML).

The rationale for Nikon of investing big in developing a new DUV machine really is not clear to me.

If ASML DUV is allowed in China, then Nikon will be at best a much distant second player (until SMEE does not improve, at that point it will be out). If ASML is not allowed to sell in China, then Nikon too will be blocked (that's dead sure). The only region where Nikon could possibly sell its new machine is Japan, but at the moment Japan is a small market for new fabs.


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The rationale for Nikon of investing big in developing a new DUV machine really is not clear to me.

The only real reason I see is that maybe they want to sell themselves to Americans (that do not have lithography) after they have developed the new machine....but this plan (with all the due respect) would be too creative for Japanese....maybe is the US that forced them to develop a new machine to break monopoly of ASML, this latter one seems more realistic to me...and fully in line with US mentality.


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Lots of sanctions are being pushed on russia including not being able to manufacture chips at TSMC. A video by a russian tech youtuber a few weeks ago said that china refuses to sell russia lithography machines.

I really hope that china builds a 22nm fab in russia using SMEE lithography machines
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