Chinese purchase of Su-35


New Member
I think the Chinese Su-35, if any, will be used as the enemy assumes (referring to Su-30MKI), so the border if there is a conflict if the Su-30MKI can face thewith Su-35S (khauphien definitely will have reduced features, such as old AL41 TVC, no radar Irbis-E) and the entire weapon old Russian (R-27/73/77) or new China's efficiency unverified (PL-8/9/10/12).

So this war will depend on the level of pilot


Tyrant King
If the chinese are buying, there is a option I have yet to see listed here. Middle man
Occasionaly a nation will buy a weapon system for a smaller nation whom they view as a needed client now given the press attached I doubt these flankers if bought would be traded but maybe the older units in service? IE use SU35to fill in a has left by selling off older SU27s Its left field I know but a thought I felt the need to share.


If the chinese are buying, there is a option I have yet to see listed here. Middle man
Occasionaly a nation will buy a weapon system for a smaller nation whom they view as a needed client now given the press attached I doubt these flankers if bought would be traded but maybe the older units in service? IE use SU35to fill in a has left by selling off older SU27s Its left field I know but a thought I felt the need to share.

Which country has the need for ex-PLAAF Su-27's with only a very limited amount of life left in the airframes?


I still think it unlikely that China will buy Su-35 except maybe a new version of the aircraft will be developed, more acceptable to international buyers with largely Chinese electronics. It would provide the Russians with an aircraft to sell. China won't be in the same market selling J-11.
Cooperation on such a project might lead to further projects. This would also ease diplomatic cooperation in Central Asia.
It might be an incentive for India to at last reach a border agreement with China. With Russia and China helping an agreement between India and Pakistan might be achieved.
This is necessarily speculation. If something like this is afoot it will need long and careful negotiation with would lead to many rumors and no confirmation for a long time. But 'no confirmation' cannot be taken as proof.


Junior Member
Well clearly Beijing sees the deal as desirable and I can see a variety of reasons that build the final decision.

For those who still doubt the genuine nature of the agreement, please note all that any officials on either side are denying is that the deal is signed, not that a deal exists and is on the table.

I am somewhat disappointed by the disparaging attitude of some posters to Russian Military Technology. China may well be pulling ahead in many critical areas, but they are still behind in others and if these are areas; system, subsystem, production techniques etc, which China can catch up from this purchase, then I say fine, why bother trying to reinvent wheels that others have found perfectly good and working solutions too and save all the time and money.

I also suspect time is a new critical factor in all this as the security situation in the Pacific East is undoubtedly deteriorating, with the re-pivot upsetting the strategic balance. In that sense a show of greater solidarity between the two Asian powers sends a powerful signal to the region as to be under no illusions or make serious strategic miscalculations.

No, it is not a fact, but your assumption, that 2 sides are negotiating at the moment, as there is not single hard solid proof of it.

Even though it is an educated assumption, and to a certain degree that I also reckon, it is still an assumption, not a fact.

As for your "no need to reinvent wheels"argument, it is mute in case of China who wants to be self-sufficient on all key techs. Yes it means that sometimes, perhaps in most cases, reventing the wheels at higher cost and longer time - purely for the sake of completely understand the basic key features which can not be obtained via purchasing an end product offshelf.

I am not claiming that China is ahead in every field and has nothing to learn from Russia, but this Su-35 purchase, if it's true, as many commenters such as "engineer", "lion", etc already argued against, doesn't have ANY standalone solid reason thus far, being either engine, radar, alliance reason, capacity reason, or benchmarking, or gap-filling, or (Russia) industry- life saving, or someone's kickback fees, or whatever.

To sum up, buying Su-35 for its own merits is irrational.

Under 2 scenarios, though, the deal could be true IMO:

A. it's an order from THE big boss, without any explaination. Completely irrational it is, it is merely an order, no reasons have been given and no questions should be asked. Full stop! Or

B. it is a part of a bundle-deal in a sense buying Su-35 being a pre-condition (demanded by the Ruskies) of a much larger deal/s for later on, either about millitary, or about civilian, or political, or all of them. That's perhaps why the 2 sides might be still talking and none is willing to confirm it 100%.
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Banned Idiot
well all due respect, 054A and liaoning's radar come from Sov's top-plate.
And do we know Chinese' aesa better than SU35 aesa? It could be good reference point.


Senior Member
well all due respect, 054A and liaoning's radar come from Sov's top-plate.
And do we know Chinese' aesa better than SU35 aesa? It could be good reference point.

The appearance looks very similiar but in fact, the system deploy inside is totally different each other. Both deploy different frequency.

Even the HQ-16 VLS deploy onboard 054A is most likely domestic system. We yet to see Russian deploy a similiar VLS system onboard their ships. If money is the problem stopping them, then the Russian shall have offer INS Talwar class similiar VLS shtil system from Russia shipbuilding since its superior compare to slanted launcher system. But its not....


Junior Member
I still think it unlikely that China will buy Su-35 except maybe a new version of the aircraft will be developed, more acceptable to international buyers with largely Chinese electronics. It would provide the Russians with an aircraft to sell. China won't be in the same market selling J-11.
Cooperation on such a project might lead to further projects. This would also ease diplomatic cooperation in Central Asia.
It might be an incentive for India to at last reach a border agreement with China. With Russia and China helping an agreement between India and Pakistan might be achieved.
This is necessarily speculation. If something like this is afoot it will need long and careful negotiation with would lead to many rumors and no confirmation for a long time. But 'no confirmation' cannot be taken as proof.

Chinese electronics in Su-35 will be an unbeatable offer even to USA. And they are the ones who can even place an order for 1000 fighters.

This is necessarily speculation, but if something like this is afoot, this deal may not be a win-lose deal between Russia-China but a win-win deal.