Chinese Military Videos!!

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Tyrant King
Not Exactly Sure about this one but I found it fun. Think of it Like a 2 Am Infomercial On the Chinese Army Cable network


Junior Member
noone can you post the youtube link for that video? Thanks!

i actually don't think that link has a youtube video. but here is a video from 8-22-11 where it show the excersice that i see people are debating about.


and part 2



Junior Member
Hey guys the PLA now has their own animated short.



Junior Member
Film Version

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I got even better thing, the eMule / eDonkey downloads of 720p and 1080p rip of the film.






The CCTV live relay of that big day is ruined by some amateur 导播 (the one in charge of which camera's image shows up at the TV, changes camera angle all the time...), just like the Norwegian couterpart who responsible for the 2008 Beijing Olympic game opening / closing ceremony - they capture the shit part and ignore the good part. (NBC's version is quite good though)

八一电影制片厂 August 1st Film corp. however, knows the PLA itself, making good movies, so when they make a "film version" of that Parade, it's awesome! There are of course "commy" stuff by the narrator, but I guess most people here don't know Chinese anyway.

The copyright of this film belongs to the August 1st Film corp, but unlikely they are going to charge SDF with copyright law suit if someone posted an emule link here; and by default the members of this forum are supposely military geeks, and this piece is surely "not gonna miss" piece, I hope the link remains. (And I hope I would not be consider as spammer)

End of propaganda.


"Google bot, in here!"

八一电影制片厂 中国60周年国庆阅兵高清视频下载
August First / August 1st PRC China Chinese PLA parade HD download
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A China War Game Video: 2011-11-14 岭南大演兵



CCTV Military News 01-04-2012


Money Talks-China Has Been Changing
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