HH-100 commercial transport UAV:
– Length: 7.26m
– Wingspan: 10.5m
– Max take-off weight: 2100kg
– Max cargo capacity: 700kg
– Cruising Speed: 300km/hr
– Max (ferry?) range: 1840km
– Max range at full load: 520km
– Ceiling: 5000m
– Takeoff distance, landing distance: 670m, 740m
– Cargo bay dimensions: 3.35m x 1.376m x 1.2m, Volume ≥4m2
Both are gonna to be important for the foreseeable future. A.I will eventually take over, but it might take another couple of decades. Meanwhile developing a game and getting a bunch of people really good at it will only take 2-5 years.
Besides, having fully autonomous A.I swarm UAV is a bit of a bad PR move, even if China does develop something like that, it's likely that no nation will want to actually reveal it or actually deploy it outside of total war.