Chinese MALE, HALE (and rotary, small, suicide) UAV/UCAV thread


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The JY260 large high-subsonic target drone. Capable of simulating 3rd- and 4th-gen fighter targets as well as cruise missiles. Comes in army and naval variants. Highly maneuverable.

Length: 4m
Wingspan: 1.6m
Takeoff weight: 190+ kg
Max level speed: 270m/s
Ceiling: 12000m
Min. Altitude: 20m (land variant), 5m (naval variant)
Endurance: 70 min
Remote control radius: 150km
Capable of swarm/formation flying: a formation of 16 drones flying at 30m apart can be controlled from a single console (?).
Payload capacity: 35kg
Payloads: EW suite, Luneburg lens, decoys, chaff, seeker simulators, etc.
Positioning system: Beidou and inertial.


Produce enough of these missiles can be a game changer. It is like a portable cruise missiles that can be deployed anywhere included fishing ships. I assumed they are very cheap to produce. Having 100k of these could overkill any defense system or completely deplete all antimissile stockpile in IC and SCS and 4-5 carrier group


A confirmation of cooperative engagement between UAVs and attack helicopters. Basically, the tasks of identifying and illuminating targets are delegated to UAVs, with attack helicopters serving as bomb trucks by firing missiles at the targets. This reduces the workload of attack helicopter pilots as well as reducing exposure to enemy fire.


The CH-4 UAVs in service with PLA Army Aviation is officially designated KVD002. The placard text states that, in addition to independent recon and strike roles, KVD002 also cooperate closely with attack helicopters. KVD002s are used to escort helicopter formations and screen for threats on the ground. They also provide attack helicopters with target guidance and target illumination.



A flyer on UAV engines and a variable pitch electric propeller from Zongshen Aviation.

The propeller is suitable for engines rated at 80 to 160hp. It has a diameter of 1920mm, weighs ≤13.5kg, capable of 2400 rpm and a max thrust of 330kgf when mated with C145HT engine. Range of pitch is ≥10 degrees.

The engine specs are as follows:

ModelMax Output (kW)Power-to-Weight (kW/kg)
C115HT (water-cooled cylinder heads, air-cooled cylinders)84.51.16
C145HT (fully water-cooled)1051.37
