The JY260 large high-subsonic target drone. Capable of simulating 3rd- and 4th-gen fighter targets as well as cruise missiles. Comes in army and naval variants. Highly maneuverable.
Length: 4m
Wingspan: 1.6m
Takeoff weight: 190+ kg
Max level speed: 270m/s
Ceiling: 12000m
Min. Altitude: 20m (land variant), 5m (naval variant)
Endurance: 70 min
Remote control radius: 150km
Capable of swarm/formation flying: a formation of 16 drones flying at 30m apart can be controlled from a single console (?).
Payload capacity: 35kg
Payloads: EW suite, Luneburg lens, decoys, chaff, seeker simulators, etc.
Positioning system: Beidou and inertial.
Produce enough of these missiles can be a game changer. It is like a portable cruise missiles that can be deployed anywhere included fishing ships. I assumed they are very cheap to produce. Having 100k of these could overkill any defense system or completely deplete all antimissile stockpile in IC and SCS and 4-5 carrier group