Hopefully this new chief of China's propaganda department (officially the Publicity Department of the CPC) can actually excel in his job and role much better than his predecessors. And for g0d's sake, this new chief better work to make China's level to be at least on par with Russia's.
I have seen someone stating that, at present, China trying to fight the propaganda war against the US is equivalent to a kid trying to fight against an adult boxer. That claim is far from wrong.
And seriously, remember several months ago when some users in this forum claimed that China does not need soft power to rise into prominence in the eyes of the world? I call that absolute cr4p. Why? Because they neglected/disregarded how successful the CIA has been conducting propaganda and psychological warfares across the world for the past 75 years, and is still doing that today with remarkable brilliance.
Just take a look at how many 反贼s and 汉奸s are still out there today.
China far exceeds Russia when it comes to managing its relations both domestically and with foreign countries though.
Russia is shown that it cannot ask too much at once from its population... The people are generally not too happy or too satisfied. You think for example if China asked for people to take up extraordinary circumstances, any people would start shooting others, or that there would be widespread internal rumor mongering and corruption over it?
The same goes for America but on a lesser scale. US has a well developed propaganda structure, but more importantly, they practice a completely different type of control than China does, which would never work on the CN population. Different doesn't necessarily mean better.
America's main control is practiced through aggressively buying out almost all domestic journalists and influencers, pressures the rest into obeying through social pressure. They can create hate and rewrite events on a scale which China can't, but the drawback is that these militarized media structures acquire a life of their own because each try to one up the other. As such, it is exceptionally difficult for America to hit the back gear, even when not hitting the back gear would be disastrous.
In contrast, China can easily admit fault and then backtrack on bad policies. This creates a scale of adaptation and cohesion that is impossible for America with its heavy focus on face to achieve.
You should not conflate spiritual victories with real victories. In terms of securing spiritual victories, America really is like an adult boxer fighting against China who is like a child. Because US cares a lot about these. Americans will lose wars, get slapped in the face by other countries due to lacking soft power, make a shit show at home due to bad/out of control propaganda etc. And US press will always try and claim the spiritual victory, such as "it is ok that we lost EU's industries, this is just the Ukraine gambit that means we sacrifice EU (why tho?) for our own benefits!", or "we lost x war because we got tired of fighting (why do you get tired so easily if your propaganda is good?)".
In terms of international standing, China had to reconstruct after ww2 and wasted time being with the USSR, which was not competently managed. America had a lot of time to slowly subvert the international order and bring countries into their orbit such as those in the EU which became debt dependent and their media was taken over by America.
Nonetheless, China today should have an overall better international standing given that they remain convincingly neutral, letting them draw benefits from everywhere, while still poking EU and OPEC whenever possible. When the results of Scholz and MBS visits arrive we will see more how much diplomatic strength China truly has, if major deals can be linked or not.